Little rant-y post...



With all of the posts I read about the current Soft Fork 0.22.2 it's very uplifting that the top level witnesses are pro-actively defending the Steem network and the majority of the stakeholders for a potential treat that the Tron's acquisition of Steemit might bring to the network.

In the same manner it's also alarming to learn that it escalated in a negative manner due to the lack of communication or unclear information from the part of Tron. With this at hand, most of the top level witnesses have implemented the Soft Fork that will prevent the major Steemit accounts for voting witnesses, withrawing, transferring, & delegating; bottomline the stake that Tron acquired is "frozen" or "locked-down".

If I'm in the position of Tron, it is devastating on my part that I was welcomed in this manner as a major stakeholder of steem.

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