I hate exams

I generally don't like talking about my life because there's really nothing interesting about it. I spend my whole day in front of my laptop or phone, engaging tweets, posts on the blockchain or on instant messengers like Telegram, Whatsapp or discord. My life is well and truly lame and the only thing I have going for me is that I'm doing a Master's.

Yes, I'm actually studying for a Master's degree in Aerospace Engineering but that's because my Bachelor's degree is practically worthless in my society. It sounds really nice on paper and yeah, I know a bunch of stuff about Aircraft and it's a nice prop for getting with the ladies but that's just about it.

In reality, I actually struggle with the essence of everything and at this point, I really wouldn't mind a zombie apocalypse or hellfire opening and turning the World on its ass. Anything to get me away from this Exam I'll be writing on Monday.

Exams are the bane of my existence and the only thing worst than exams is having to write a resit for courses you failed. In my case, there are two courses I have to write and it is pretty fucking annoying because my brain has clocked out for the year.

I've been working on my project at snail speed for the past three months and my brain was actually ready to cope with this level of stress. I get to type one or two lines per day and at this pace, I'm probably going to be done around May, which is good, considering the deadline is in June.

I'm not what you'll call a good student but I'm not the worst either. I have a CGPA of 4/5 as it stands and writing these two resitswill probably boost my CGPA by 0.1 and That's really what fucks with me. It is oh so much stress for so little reward and very underwhelming.

The whole concept of school and society is pretty fucking fristrating. I have to go through all these classes and soak up all this shit just so I can get a job to work for somebody that's probably going to shove more shit down my throat.

So today I have to leave the comfort of my room filled with my imaginary internet friends, go into school, study my ass off for a 0.1 increase in my CGPA that boosts my chances of getting a job owned by someone that doesn't give a shit about me.

Yeah. I hate exams.


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Yip exams suck ass. Does 0.1 really make such a difference?


It doesn't but I have to write the courses. Fucking annoying.


Totally. Tell me about. Such a pain. Word.


I feel your choices of degree are quite interesting....i wanted to be a pilot growing up...but then at some point i thought i should get a degree in comp sci first....wish it could follow but circumstances circumstances....i hate that i have to live to earn first, which is one reason why i hope all this stuff on steem bitcoin and the rest will do something about that then i get to face these things i want to do or be. In a world where earning wasnt so much of a problem i will probably be in that line of school and passion....but who go fund me in this world? Man gas hustle...keep at it bro...wish you strength...at some point you'd use it for your passion....i guess


Thanks boss and I hope all the crypto things work out for all of us because I know that in my heart of heart, I don't want to work for anybody.


I have to go through all these classes and soak up all this shit just so I can get a job to work for somebody that's probably going to shove more shit down my throat.

I’m gonna challenge you here:

No, you don’t have to. You choose to.

It may seem your options are limited. But the path you’re taking is a choice.

The most obvious, low-hanging-fruit of alternatives might seem like an option with a far shittier outcome. But nonetheless, it’s also an option. You don’t have to do either.

Frankly, we don’t have to do anything. Potentially, we could lie in bed all day and do nothing. Or end up on the street doing absolutely nothing and starve to death. Those are options, too.

I totally get where you’re coming from, frustrated with school and the conventional route. We’ve been well-conditioned to think it’s a road we have to travel. But, we got mindfucked if we bought into that as the only truth.

I’d say that now more than ever, there are an increasing amount of options available thanks to the internet - especially since the start of the decentralized revolution.

It seems, however, that you may be still stuck in the matrix - thinking that you don’t have options, whereas there are entire universes of alternatives available through the simple door of the entrepreneurial paradigm.

It’s understandable, given it’s one relatively few have switched into. Though, it’s also your responsibility from this point forth whether you stay in the matrix or begin dipping your toes into the dimensions of entrepreneurialistic thinking in which the bridges out of your current world are to be built.

And perhaps, so long as you may be unwilling to take those steps onto the road less travelled, it is realistically expectable that you end up working for someone who doesn’t give a shit about you because you never gave enough a shit about yourself to listen to the wisdom in the discomfort that was trying to guide you into greater awareness & personal responsibility for your choices.

Meanwhile, it can all change in an instant.

But it requires conscious reprogramming & recalibration.

Your ‘struggle with the essence of everything’ is merely a calling to awaken that you’ve been in the grips of cultural belief systems that no longer serve your best interest.

A calling to upgrade your consciousness of the larger situation you’re in and your degree of responsibility in emerging from a victim of it to an alchemist in its transformation.

You were warned: this community is a Red Pill... 😈😇🙏⭐️


Fuck it. I needed to hear this. I'm sick of giving excuses and not doing the things I really want to do. I'm comfortable, too comfortable. I need kick myself up and do some shit.

I'm clawing out of the mindfuckery that's holding me back and it's not an excuse, it's a mental conditioning that I'm aware of but subconsciously allow to control me. Maybe because I'm scared or maybe I'm just a pussy. However, I do know I'm sick of the status quo and want something else, something bigger than me, something better than me. I don't want to weep for roads untraveled, I want to go through the shit.

I lie to myself that I'm mentally self sufficient, in reality, I need guidance and I need guidance to guide me to the guidance. I'm a wreck who's always falling back to the things I know and feel safe in, rather than taking the red pill. It's a clusterfuck.


Fuck it. I needed to hear this.

Thus, why you asked for it. Even if you were not consciously aware.

I need kick myself up and do some shit.

Likely. Though, it also required a balance of being gentle and compassionate with yourself...

We were born into slavery.

Parts of it, you've subconsciously allowed to control you. Other parts, you've had no choice. So long as much remain unconscious, it's beyond your capability to change. Nothing can really be done about it so long as it's in the "unconscious incompetence" quadrant; only once there's the spark of awareness that brings it into the "conscious incompetence," can we really take responsibility for ascending up into "conscious & unconscious competence."

Fear plays a big part, surely. Though like you are aware of: you require guidance at this point. A one-year doesn't run solely because they're scared - moreso, they're just not at the point in their development yet where running is possible; learning to crawl and walk are required first. Likewise, you could be full of cocky confidence instead of fear, but if your eyes are closed to the space you're in, you're unlikely to get far - and perhaps even do more damage trying to push ahead blindly. Thus, at some degree, *the fear does serve as a survival mechanism that keeps us from pushing to fast and boldly into territory we're not yet ready to enter.

I'm a wreck who's always falling back to the things I know and feel safe in, rather than taking the red pill. It's a clusterfuck.

T'is the human game, my friend. T'is our starting point on the path of ascension.

And again... self-compassion. T'is possible you've not taken the red pill because you have not actually had it offered yet.

Like Neo in The Matrix... the red pill only came when it was time.

He knew something was up and wanted to break out, but it was/is not possible before it is the correct timing.

The frustration in you is a necessary part of the process. Without it, you would not choose the red pill when it is time.


One key step you can take immediately:

If you know your time of birth, get your free Human Design chart here.

If not, try ask your mom if possible approximately what time of day you were born (morning, noon, evening), and let me know if you'd like me to help try figure out the core of your design.

This is a massive initiation into a decondition process, from which there is priceless guidance on how to attune to the unique decision making Strategy & Authority of your genetic vehicle... 🐇


I'll ask her tomorrow or later today, since it's 1am here. 🥺
