An interpretation of a thought by Martin Luther King


An interpretation of a thought by Martin Luther King

“If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.” ― Martin Luther King Jr.


I love the phrases, and this is one of the most memorable for me. What I did with it, in addition to using it as a philosophy of life, although sometimes I forget. Is that I used it as an initial premise to make way for a short novel I wrote. Basically I made an interpretation adding some of my words and doing the following. As a fact my story was about a boy in a wheelchair who was a fan of a runner who always came last and still kept competing, it was a criticism that not only the winners should have fans or people who support them with encouragement, everyone is trying, everyone keeps moving forward.


When you can no longer fly, then run.
When you can no longer run, then jog.
When you can no longer jog, then walk.
When you can no longer walk, then use a cane.
When you can no longer use the cane, then crawl.
When you can no longer crawl, then dream that you can fly.
But never stop.
