Questions And Answers~ Episode 3


Hello friends, hope you are having a great day? My day went okay, but it rained heavily though. So it is another episode on question and answer yay, for today's episode I would be featuring drum @mrnightmare89!!!

Hmmm, I met @mrnightmare89 at steem terminal I basically met almost everyone I know now through that channel, he is a nice person with a very funny personality. He supports you in whichever ways he can and always make sure to check up on others. Although, have not known him for years but he has portrayed himself to be an honest and nice person and a very funny one at that, not forgetting that he always upvotes every single post I put up.... Thanks a lot friend. Now to the business proper....


What is life to you?

Life..let me see, life is the reason why we people experience enjoyment in life. We feel pain but that's why life is interesting. It's hard to answer you know about

What is your fashion taste?

I don't have specific fashion just don't let me get naked. But since I need to choose one, maybe fitted dress that let's my hotness explode. It's fine to dream, right? haha.

If you are to change something in your life, what would it be?

If I will change my life, maybe for being easy go lucky. Having a life that always never care about what will happen in the future as long as I'm enjoying my life right now.

Given the opportunity what would you choose, wealth or fame with reasons?

Wealth, I want to choose that because it will gives me power to help. I want to help those people who lives in poverty because I experienced that as well. Having wealth means I can fight those abusive people with power. I don't want to make this world unfair, so if I have wealth I can make sure that justice is fair.

How do people describe you?

People describe me as a funny person but straightforward. I always speak hurtful words but in humour. Also I think people see me a smart person because they'll rely on me if they need something to learn which is I think it's absurd for me. lol

What is your phobia?

My phobia is talking people in public, watching me or stare me for long. I will feel uncomfortable when people watching me because I'm afraid they'll judge me. I'm always concerned about how people think about me. So my phobia is showing up in the public.

Who is your celebrity crush?

I'm not into celebrity because actually I don't adore them. I'm not getting crazy if I'll see a celebrity, I'm a type of a person who will just ignore them. But.. there's a but okay.. I'm a naughty person so if I'll see celebrity's with big booty and big tits. Okay I'm being serious because that's the kind if people I am. So I'll just choose "Beyonce" because her body and beauty is too perfect for me. lol

What is your idea of a perfect day?

My idea of a perfect day is when I'll see myself smiling and enjoying with the people I love. I would call it perfect when we're too busy having fun with each other especially my family. No need for money but food and people who will love to enjoy having conversation with other people. It's like a perfect day for me is a peaceful day where I can live only to be happy.

So guys that is it on the question and answer episode for today, do not forget that you can nominate someone and also drop a question you want to be featured here. Want to say a big thank you to @mrnightmare89 for his time, I really appreciate it. Thanks for reading guys, your comments are welcome.... Have a lovely day.



My celebrity crush? Halle Berry. OMG she is super frig'n hot and been drooling over her for years. Your buddy up there dropped this on PYPT and I'm glad he did!

@alliedforces curate


Hahaha interesting....thank you so much for dropping by.😄


Hello bliss11!

Congratulations! This post has been randomly Resteemed! For a chance to get more of your content resteemed join the Steem Engine Team


Thank you for the resteem.... 😄



This is a wonderful idea! I really enjoyed your last interview. This interview is also really nice. What a wonderful way to feature our fellow Steemitizens and get to know them. Just like @shadowspub is known for saying, It is all about community.

So happy that @mrnightmare89 shared this on this past week's #PYPT Show. You are doing such a great job with your blog by providing all of us wonderful content! I am sure the @steemterminal is very proud of you... I am!


Thank you so much @sgt-dan, I really appreciate your comment.... And again it is all thanks to @mrnightmare89 for his time and steem terminal for their support.
