Math contest #7 Results and Solution



The problem of the last contest was:
Find the nth prime and sum up all integers between and including 1 and the prime.
Finding the nth prime is the hardest part of this. You could do this by hand by writing down a few hundred numbers and checking manually for primes, or just use a computer program.

A formula for the sum(Σ) can be easily derived, by adding the sum and the reverse ordered sum:

Σ = 1 +  2  + … +(n-1)+ n
Σ = n +(n-1)+ … +  2  + 1

Σ+Σ = n+1 + n+1 + … + n+1 + n+1 = n*(n+1)

Σ = n*(n+1)/2


How your chance of winning is calculated:

  • Every participant gets 1 point for entering the contest.
  • Every solution entered gets 1 additional point.
  • Multiple examples of a general solution count as one solution
  • If there is only one general solution, those who found its pattern(by mentioning a general formula or showing more then 3 examples) will get an additional point.
  • Your winning chance is "your points"/"total points"

All participants did great and got the maximum score, but I list the score anyway.

List of participants with their scores and chance of winning, sorted by time of entry:

Namesolutions foundscorechance of winning
@heraclioprime and sum325%
@syallaprime and sum325%
@tonimontanaprime and sum325%
@athunderstruckprime and sum325%


(Double) Winner draw(using a self written program):

Screenshot from 2019-09-02 09-46-38.png

Congratulations @athunderstruck and @tonimontana, you won 1 SBI each:
Hmm… I don't know away to send it to you now. I'll do the transfer as soon as steemit is working again.

The next contest starts tomorrow(if the the blockchain stays operational until then). Don't miss it!
