My best 3 post in hope project (16/09/2020)

Articles curated by @project.hope: my top 3 weekly selection (16/09/2020)

I like the neighborhood and as a participant in projects, I retain allotted myself to the chore of weekly initiating a nomination of the writings that appear most fascinating to me and here I fetch them to you and submit them now.

This is all thanks to the labor of @crypto.piotr who has assembled this gorgeous and rising community called @project.hope

We are a committee of people who love technology, artificial intelligence, psychology, marketing, finance, and areas for which we are excited that we come together to share and illustrate our ideas through this community.

This week we have finances, tips to improve, how to make a interesting investment in mining and motivational articles.

As always, very current and interesting posts, which I have dedicated myself to recommend, enjoy the selection.

So Lets see, here is my top 3 :

1 - The Essence of financial knowledge

@ojerinde helps us improve our financial knowledge by telling us this:

"...We are going to have an ever-increasing budget to spend on, the need to pay house rent, get insurance, pay electricity bills, bills for transportation and other necessary bills that cannot be ignored will always come up, financial education is needed to guide us through meeting up with our regular needs in the best way..."


2 - I have bought 400 leo miners

@resiliencia You tell us about this great investment, which I think is very good:

"...The most interesting part about it is that they will be giving huge incentives for the people providing liquidity to the Pool. I would love to participate but I am not sure if it will be worth it for me as I just have 1,000 LEO tokens and this days the Ethereum fees are really high..."


3 - The difference between the type of information rich and por parental feed their children

@papa-mensa shows us the difference by saying this:

"... more than the height their parents have gotten to and that is the way their minds have been channelled they are simply contented with being average simply because their parents have thought them not to desire anything..."


Wish you enjoy these reviews, I made it to collaborate with @project.hope

¡See you on my next post!

Note: 50% of this post-earnings goes to @ph-fund.

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