"Success or Failure?" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)


[Digital drawing. 2021.]

I was mostly "unproductive" today. Didn't get around to minting any new NFTs on the Showroom, like I'd planned to, (although I did get an outgoing postcard and an original drawing into the mailbox before the postal carrier came by.)

No new fantabulous drawings (just that snake image up above), no new stories written, no books read, no photos taken, no manifestos scribbled with anarchistic fury, no radio shows recorded, no postcards scanned or cataloged, no ghostly apparitions conjured, no astral realms explored.... I didn't even take out the garbage...

But today wasn't a loss because I got to spend a bunch of time with my granddaughter.

We watched kids' shows and music videos, read books, played with stickers and crayons, flashed through some flash cards, ate mandarin oranges, and worked on verbalizing (and on my Donald Duck sneezing impersonation.) The little kid is about a year and a half old, so she's at a fun age: knows a couple of words, draws a little bit, still puts stickers in her mouth if I don't watch her carefully enough, and she enjoys simple things, like peek-a-boo and spinning egg shaped crayons like tops and Donald Duck sneezing impersonations...

So maybe I didn't make much money today; no biggie... What I DID do was help my granddaughter's mental development---and had a nice dinner with my wife when she got home from work, (veggie burgers and sweet potato fries,) then watched old Buffy episodes until bedtime! Trying to be like the baby and enjoy the simple things life has to offer!

Maybe I'll get more ART done tomorrow.... (After I drive my younger daughter to Vancouver for an ortho appointment....) If I don't, oh well! Sorry all you art collectors! Family comes before work!!!

---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)


Sounds like your little granddaughter has got a lovely grandfather <3
