Thank you all ... Thank you very much! CONTEST: WHAT'S COOKING REDFISH


Image Source: Image by enriquelopezgarre from Pixabay modified by @sgt-dan
using GIMP Software

An image that called all my intention without a doubt.

It was the call to participate in a challenge in which there was nothing to lose... everything was win-win. What can I do to participate? It was the first question I asked myself. What can I publish to opt for the jackpot?

The 2000 Sp delegation was something that only in dreams had lived. A dream that came true today!

My eternal thanks go to those two people who undertook the challenge of helping the little ones: The Redfish. I want to tell @sgt-dan and @niallon11 that honestly, I felt microscopic, almost a sub-atomic particle next to you both. I've done everything necessary to grow on this platform.

My goal was to increase my Sp and have greater voting power to be able to have more influence on healing and rewards and thanks to you, today is possible.

Image Source:

My dear @sgt-dan, the valuable advice I received from knowing that I had won the contest is something of incalculable value to me; So much so, that I will write them here so that whoever reads this publication feeds on the wisdom that you have transmitted to me and will surely serve others who will continue to grow and find themselves in the same position I was in:

Vote other's content and always leave a comment on why you upvoted! Do not let your Voting power go below 80%.

Make a Post at least once a day.

I would suggest voting other people's posts at 100%. Just vote 10 posts per day.

No more than 10 votes at 100% a day.

Networking is very important: (e.g., SteemTerminal, TheRamble, MSP, etc.)

Do not use upvote bots.

One last thing... if someone comments on your post? Be sure to answer or may give a small upvote (e.g., 10%)

Always stay engaged with those that upvote and support you!

Most important: Be you!.

This is my advice helping you grow.

I will follow this advice to the letter my friend.

What is the use of power if it is not to share it? Shazzam.

To the other steemians for their good publications and support. We are all growing side by side with so many people supporting those of us who are very small and want to grow: @mawit07, @soyunasantacruz, and @seadbeady: There will always be a new opportunity to participate

I also want to thank all of the folks that have helped to promote this contest. Some folks in particular are:

I can not fail to mention so many people of whom I have had the unconditional support, by spilling on me their experience on the platform and giving me a special place, not only in their publications, but also in their hearts: Celebrities like @marybellrg, @lisfabian, @sacra97, @gertu, @wakeupkitty, @mllg, @brittandjosie, @jaynie, @iamraincrystal, @drakernoise and a lot of other people, who have supported with their words, and samples of affection, my work in Steemit.

To all of you, thank you forever.

Have questions? Join Us At The Steem Terminal!

The Power House Creatives (formerly known as the Steemit Bloggers) is a community of individuals who are committed to producing content which adds value to the Steem network. We are STRONGLY focused on supporting our fellow members individual growth as well as offering support to those that are new to Steem and still trying to get ahead. We are a CLOSE KNIT community of individuals, each with our own strengths, passions and input, yet ALL willing to go the extra mile for our family members... WHY? - because, simply put - we CARE about one another and MANY HANDS make light work! - THAT is what FAMILY is about! - To infinity and beyond...

A hug from a Venezuelan in Chile.

A community of individuals who are dedicated to producing quality content which adds value to the Steem network and beyond.



Felicitaciones amigo @oneray!! Es agradable ver que creces y vas de la mano de otros. Me encanta que estés tan feliz. Es la recompensa por tu buen y arduo trabajo.
Gracias por la mención. Arriero somos...
Al infinito y más allá.


Felicitaciones amigo @oneray, muy contenta por tu crecimiento y trabajo constante. Sùper feliz por ti. @oneray gracias por la mención.


Congratulations! Thank you for your kind words.


Congratulations, have a nice week :)


Thanks to you for the comment :)


Te felicito por el apoyo y crecimiento que estás logrando, @oneray.
Agradecida por la mención y valoración positiva.
Un abrazo en la distancia
