Flash Play #24


On the stage, a pine forest surrounds a theatre in the round. Upon it, a wolf snatches a rabbit mid-hop and breaks its neck, then eats. Its ears perk up, and it sniffs. It hides inside a black box, bringing the rabbit. A hunter enters, crosses the stage.
Hunter: Wolf pelts for all the confederate babies! Muahahaha!
Hunter exits, never noticing the wolf.
Wolf creeps out from the black box, carrying the dead rabbit. It pads to the edge of the theatre in the round, then steps off. Its ears perk up again, and it sniffs. It looks to the box on stage, takes a step back towards the stage, but never lays a paw on stage and instead lays down and covers itself with the dead rabbit carcass and plays dead.
The hunter enters, crosses center and looks around.
Hunter: I’ll feed wolf meat to my oil baron buddies.
Hunter notices the wolf off stage. It continues playing dead. Hunter aims and fires. Now the wolf is truly dead. Lights slow fade as the hunter walks towards the carcass, taking out his skinning knife.
