I Feel Eyes On Me!!!


Good Morning from Germany!!

How are you all today?
I am still recovering from the immense migraine attack that struck me down over the weekend, eeeshhh.

Gotta get back to work though & make some Penunzen ( this is an old German word for money, it was used around the (19th century ).

After a great voice chat with the wonderful @hilladigahackles on Discord this morning I sat down to begin my workday as a self-employed audio engineer.

In midst of starting up my equipment I feel something staring at me, I look up & there it is ( this pic isn't so great, just having my cell at hand I didn't want to get to close )....

I am not afraid of spiders!!

I have to be honest though this one made me jump out of my chair!
I guess this Spider, I have never seen one like this before around here, doesn't care much about personal space!

My partner @jeffleinwand noticed the commotion, came over to check it out.

Not being tall enough to reach it, I could have gotten on my desk, but things like that never end well!
The last time I tried to catch this really weird bug with a glass, wanting to throw it out of the window, a wind gush blew that bug right back at me causing me to throw the glass behind me through the room.

That is why Jeff, who knows of the weirdo/ clumsy cloud that seems to surround me, offered to help catch it so we can set it free.

Jeff grabbed a glass that was standing in the sink, an old add pamphlet & caught it.

To later indicate what sort of spider it is like I said it was unfamiliar to me, I took some pictures.
Isn't funny how the spider ended up on the face of the woman on the pamphlet, ahahaha, thank you for this great shot Spider!!

Spider didn't like being in the glass, he aggressively jumped against it, giving me the stink eye, so after a few quick snaps we let it loose into nature.

Be well spider! <3


The Spider is a Zoropsidae!

This Tarantula like spider started to settle in our area around 2016.
They don't have webs but hunt their prey.

Yes they do bite!
Experts say that their bite is relatively harmless. It hurts like a sting of a wasp or bee, the affected area could become numb & certain people could have an allergic reaction.

No thank you, with my luck, I would swell up & turn into a human-pumpkin!

I wish you a terrific Tuesday!!
