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I had been trying to write a Saturday post but my attention and efforts kept going in about seventeen different directions and nothing quite got as done as I would like. I just realized that it's no longer Saturday either so this will probably be as all over the place as Saturday was.

We had a small bit of snow on the ground this morning but it all melted before I thought to take any photos. I'm ready for some sun and greenery like in the photo above, from Mitchell Hill Lake here in Jefferson County.


Who needs elf on a shelf when you can have Tito On A Shelf?!?! I'm pretty sure he fancies himself an interior decorator. I'd started to edit some phone photos today but this one of Tito and the next one were all I got done before I wandered off to other photos.


I haven't been posting or engaging as much lately, I've been trying to get into the swing of a new routine and haven't had as much time for the hive as of late. It's finally starting to shake down pretty well so I am hoping to change that in the very near future.


I didn't know caterpillars grew fur! This critter made me think of packsaddles, even though it doesn't look very similar, hairy caterpillars make me suspicious that they might sting if you pet them. Anybody ever been stung by a packsaddle? Here is some more info about them if you're not familiar, I got a hold of one while shucking corn and have been leery of them ever since.

I won't abuse y'all with more rambling when I should be sleeping, y'all have a good weekend!


Dude. I don't know why each of your photo sessions don't gain double digit value each release. Great shots dude, the one of the cat is probably my favorite with the crooked frame—fuckin dope! That praying mantis though, too, nice! And I don't even like cats.

Yeah, snow, that what it's called? It has a name huh? I just keep seeing this white shit falling through the air and it's a clear indication I won't be riding my bike any time soon.


Because content and rewards do not correlate? Meh, it's much better on hive than it ever was on steemit, I'm not too upset, it's definitely trending in the right direction. Tito and I thank you!

Snow, like no but with an s sound in front, it's the obnoxious white shit of which you speak. Except for when there's enough to completely disrupt everything I detest it, but that's just part of my hatred for cold weather.
