Mobile Photography Collection (part-16)


Good Morning All

At first many many friends to steem are you all? I hope you're doing good I am also good.I am not a photographer. I just try to capture some scenes from my love with mobile.All these pictures taken with my own mobile. The model Model is Xaomi Mi A3. This phone has Triple camera.
How are you all?I hope you are well and I am also well.Lots of love and good wishes for you. Today I will share my photography with you today.Today is my 16th episode running.Today's episode is going to be a little different. Because today there are marigold flowers.That I've never been able to share with you before.
I collected the flowers from a famous place that the only place named for our country.Specially in Faridpur district. This name river research institute.
This is one of the special places of our Faridpur‌.Every day there are different types of people who come and visit their relatives in this place.When we get here, we can easily learn how many rivers are in Bangladesh.There are always different types of people to take over the management of this organization. I would like to share with you some photos of this river study Sharing place photos with you
A friend and I went for a river tour yesterday.But because he didn't have time, we had to leave very soon so we could not take more pictures. From the front of the organization we returned some pictures of donkey flowers.So I couldn't share much with you.However, I hope to give some good gifts.
However, I have shared a lot for so long now I want to talk about this flower. You know, these are pictures of marigold flowers.Marigold flowers not only give us beauty gifts but also have medicinal properties.

Introduce Myself

I am Alamin I am from Bangladesh. I live in Faridpur. I am a student.
My favourite subject English and mathematics. I study textile deploma.It is located in Faridpur. And when I get time I help my parents working. I love my parents and my family is my first platform that's why that I cannot forget from my life.This is the first platform in my life that has something important and worthwhile.Life has changed a lot since coming to this platform.One of his biggest improvements is that my English speaking reading skills have increased a lot.I am grateful to this platform. @zaku @bdvoter @azizbd
I want to work with you forever. I'm not a style man. I am a simple man my favourite game is football. and my favourite hobby are many types such as travelling music garden. Many time I pass with my village brother. I love video editing and photography.

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