Daily Photofeed Round Up #581 by @photofeed


The World As The Moth Sees It

Good evening everyone! I caught this moth just tonight. It was flying everywhere like a blind butterfly or perhaps it was looking for a place to rest, away from the fiery eyes of its captor.

This is the original photo. I cought this butterfly moth with a net, careful not to break it's wings. I liked the result of my shot. The books behind and looking through the transparent wine glass, gave a spherical formation. This winged creature looked confused as if it's standing on its own feet.

I thought of placing another wine glass and attached facing each other, having in mind that it will travel up and below but I was wrong. It still walked upward.

I decided to go on with my first photo. I used a light color combination to enhance its appearance using photo editor to create a luminous candlelight shade.

Any suggestions to make it better looking? I liked the three modified photos too.

Thank you @photofeed for initiating this entry.

Till then,

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