Open Space (Part 19)



More movement.
Less traffic still, but the cars wind back thicker and further day by day.
I ran out of interest in coincidence already this year.
Everything is connected.
So how is all this not?
Never before have I seen these things. What rumors abound?
I guess be aware but don't get too sucked in, keep your frequency up, listen to the birds. Their songs are frequencies that remind me of true health, past tracks, deep cuts, the classic tunings, perhaps the sound of the Earth.
Local, think local also.
Love your neighbor.
Smile and smirk and nod.
Yes-and, in general, if possible.
Only if it fits.
But goodness, when the tire rips, find yourself an honest tire man and some prayer and meditation.
Let the good times roll.
Get in the sun some.
Smooth movement and more of it.
Vitamin D, you rock.
I drink it through my eyes, skin, and belly.

We and all things are connected in some way.

Be well.
(words and image are original)
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