🔷Project Hope II🔷













I am very happy with these portraits, since they have helped me a lot to improve as a digital artist, in each new member I found a better way to get the shades, the way to use the brushes, among other things that have certainly left me a great learning.

Estoy muy feliz con estos retratos, ya que me han ayudado mucho a mejorar como artista digital, en cada nuevo miembro encontraba una mejor manera de conseguir las tonalidades, la manera de utilizar los pinceles, entre otras cosas que sin duda me han dejado un gran aprendizaje


I do not know if I had mentioned it in another post but I always start making the initial sketch and then pass it to the digital on the laptop, this has made me improve a lot in the drawing, it usually takes me about 5 or 6 minutes or less to make this type of sketches.



No sé si lo había mencionado en otro post pero siempre comienzo haciendo el boceto inicial para luego pasarlo al digital en la laptop, esto me ha hecho mejorar mucho en el dibujo, suele tomarme como 5 o 6 minutos hacer este tipo de bocetos.


This will be a tiny process, sometimes I am so distracted that I end up painting everything in one layer :c

Puede que este proceso no sea tan vistoso ya que a veces soy tan distraída que termino pintando todo en una misma capa :(.


The main thing as everything I add the base colors of the skin, hair and clothes. The skin has a lower opacity than the rest, as in 80% or so, I will tell you why

Lo principal como todo le agrego los colores bases de la piel, el cabello y la ropa. La piel tiene una opacidad mas baja que el resto, como en 80% mas o menos, ya les dire por qué


Because in the picture the face looked almost reddish warm take advantage of the orange background, managing to tint the color to that hue, unlike @lanzjoseg where I nuanced the face with a green background tone. Here I still did not know the beauty of using the charcoal brush, to this I added the lights and shadows first with the fade in / fade out brush, then, taking the tones with the dropper I was softening the edges with the watercolor brush, on top I added a layer of everything (I was supposed to do it in a separate layer but well, things happen lol) of a peach color to change the skin tone to a much more real one.

Debido a que en la fotografía la cara se veía cálida casi rojiza aproveche el fondo naranja, logrando matizar el color a esa tonalidad, a diferencia de @lanzjoseg donde matice el rostro con un tono verde de fondo. Aquí aun no conocía la belleza de utilizar el pincel de carboncillo, a este le agregue las luces y sombras primeramente con el pincel fade in/fade out, luego, tomando los tonos con el gotero fui suavizando los bordes y el pincel de acuarela, encima de todo se le agrego una capa (se supone que debía hacerlo en otra capa aparte pero bueno lol) de un color durazno para cambiar la tonalidad de la piel a uno mucho mas real.

Programa: MediBang Paint
Tiempo: 8h aprox
Tamaño: 20x20cm
Resolución: 350dpi

Program: MediBang Paint
Time: 8h aprox.

Repollo is a Project that Works based on MEMBERSHIPS from the users that delegate SP and/or join the Curation TRAIL. Repollo is supported by 2 steemit witnesses, @cervantes y @upheaver, if you upvote them as Steemit Witness you support better rewards for the members of the community.

Repollo es un proyecto que funciona con MEMBRESÍAS de usuarios que delegan y se unen a nuestro TRAIL. Repollo es apoyado por dos Witnesses, @cervantes y @upheaver, si tú votas por ellos como Testigos en Steemit Witness apoyas para seguir entregando mejores recompensas.

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Repollo Membership Post

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I hope you like it. A hug for everyone and good vibes 💖

Espero les guste. Un abrazo para todos y buena vibra 💖


Consider to follow our trail on steemauto We thanks all the support.

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Also, I'm a steemmonsters player, with the same User. If you wanna challenge me, trade or send any spare card.

✨✨If you want me to make you a draw, just let me know. I am open for comission without restriction.✨✨

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To all of you artists out here at Steemit! Hello~ If you ever are lost and lonesome, please join Steem Artists at our discord chat

We network with fellow artists here on Steemit and we help each other succeed :)

Come and say hi~ ^ __ ^ BNDW community discord channel

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Hi @sawcraz.art

Congratulations again these great.
I think I'm going to change my avatar,
I will also start using it with my signature and I will Publicity to your user


Me gusta mucho como quedaron :)


I'm assuming that you like it? :)


Yes, I find it interesting, I like to see how portraits look when they are converted into drawings or illustrations, because they usually have a way of adding the artist's vision, I think I think that even of those who practice Hyper-Realistic art


you do look a bit chinese on this drawing hehe :)


I think that because of my maternal family line, which I heard I have a great-grandfather who was an American aborigine, I inherited a bit of its characteristics, in this case this human group has double eyelids and is classified physically and hematologically as close to Asian groups, so my facial features may have something of that appearance.

Source - in Spanish


Hi @sawcraz.art

Que hermoso trabajo, @lanzjoseg quedo igualito, un hermoso arte. Le di resteem, me encanto.

What a beautiful job, @lanzjoseg remained the same, a beautiful art. I gave resteem, I loved it.


I like your post and I like so much your digitalart.


Congratulacions @sawcraz.art

Great work, seeing your post you see that drawing is very easy. Very motivating and I thank you for commenting on art and encouraging new talents to show their work.
The illustrations were magnificent, it is very good impressive!

Posted using Partiko Android
