| onesong | Marsimoto | Illegalize It |



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Illegalize It

Illegalize It

Dear Chief Constable, don't get your shirt on.
Garbage should be the only thing you separate (separate, separate, separate)
I'm Marsi, anti-legalization.
Weed only with Marsimoto logo tattoo
Or do you want every random buffer
Buy a weedbox at the kiosk?
Or that your mother asks you
If she can smoke with you later, because she only has a thousand grams left.
No, I'm proposing a tougher law.
If you don't, your principal will rap: "Poof, poof, pass, yo!"
The conductor in the German railway carries Rastas
And the bank employee just called in sick, I don't like that.
I never want to live in a world like this.
There's supposed to be coffee and no weed in coffee shops.
Why should I appear at the Hanfparade
What if the biggest pothead in this country is wearing a suit?

Police, lock up all the potheads!
Only Martians are allowed to smoke
Dear police, lock up all potheads.
We can't use these.
Dear police, lock up all potheads!
Only Martians are allowed to smoke
Dear police, lock up all potheads.
We can't use these.

That's the second verse, because weed's not a gateway drug.
There's definitely no cookie in the Leibniz can.
Where you hide that stuff is my jacket like my pants.
20 grams, Rotterdam sunk in the lap of the collective farm
From Zurich to Heidepark, Rügen to Styria
I want laws like Malaysia
Be quiet, yeah, I'm the Blunt Phenomenamena.
You smoke Camel cigarettes on a dromedary.
There's nothing more beautiful than pure weed, past the securitys
Marsi is in your city, lighters up, eyes closed and flies
To smuggle, you have to be creative.
Be a little mean, be a little bit detective.
Green blood, red cloth - what about the rehab?
Who is still doing withdrawal today?
That goes out to all Marsi enemies, Bundestag, Hasenheide
Grass aside, illegalize it!

Dear police, lock up all potheads!
Only Martians are allowed to smoke
Dear police, lock up all potheads.
We can't use these.
Dear police, lock up all potheads!
Only Martians are allowed to smoke
Dear police, lock up all potheads.
We can't use these.

Let's stick to it.
No, I don't want to be stuck on this any longer.
Let's stick to it.
That we're different from the others.
Illegalize it, ill-ill-ill-illegalize it
Illegalize it, ill-ill-ill-ill-illegalize it, Marsi

Lyrics found on GENIUS and translated with Deepl.

Marsimoto im Netz

Grüner Samt ? Tijuana Flow !

„Wer den freien Genuss von Cannabis befürwortet,
nimmt in verantwortungsloser Weise den Tod von tausenden junger Menschen in Kauf.“

Edmund Stoiber (CSU), ehemaliger Ministerpräsident Bayerns.

This post was created for more WEED.
Music, that's my weed.



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