
I am basically reacting to the comments in this post:


...they are ruining steem with their policing and they are doing it for free.

For me, this just reveals the whole downvote agenda. In my mind, it was supposed to be a tool to fight spammer (people making redundant comments and posts) and abusers (people misusing their stake to the detriment of the steem blockchain).

I haven't been on the receiving end of downvotes, well, except the case with haejin which I have honestly come to terms with and to be quite frank, asides his indifference towards steem, he isn't quite different from those who have taken it to be their responsibility to police others here. It is becoming sickening.

With everything that is wrong with this blockchain, we've added another layer to our unending issues which I feel will be the death of this blockchain--it's already happening. If you're not blinded by the love of the cabals you belong to you will have taken note of this. How many major stakeholders and content creators have we lost this year?

"Oh people come and people go?"

Where are the people coming?!

Can you mention 5 people who joined steem in the last quarter of this year and are doing well? Please, I want to know. Aside Ade, there are a few people who make quality posts on my timeline--ones i care about. Who would really? Yesterday I was lost in my thoughts and it was just sad thinking how much I have slaved for pennies, without improving my craft, even to a point where I have totally abandoned it. I know content creators in my country who are getting endorsement deals now; I know people who are cashing out now because they chose to banter and building a brand rather than believing in tech and a supposed community that will revolutionize the world but everything has been going downhill. Notwithstanding, we still keep believing; we still try to get better at what we do and many of us have begun to look stupid.

The mentality of those at the top certainly stinks and it's going to sink this place deeper.

If you aren't ready for content than shut this shit down.

If you're not ready to support content creators then shut this place down.

If you're looking for people to advertise steem then create a dapp for that and reward people who are willing to do the work--POW. What you're not going to do is tell me what kind of content to create. We've agreed on the quality aspect; we've agreed on the spamming aspect, but you're not going to tell me what to create or what is reward worthy. If you think steem needs to advertise then do that by all means possible, please do, while the rest of us take pictures, share our personal thoughts, things that can actually strengthen relationships which primarily is the purpose of social media. All I have read this evening just takes me back to Snowden's book. The cooperate world ruined the internet, used our data against us. Web 2.0 is kick-starting and supposed stakeholders want to become the next slavemasters. At the end of the day, they have the most to gain.

WHOEVER IS WORKING ON SMTs SHOULD BE QUICK before this place turns into a occult.

"People are earning too much"

Please shut up. If they are doing the work, creating value, putting the time and effort then why shouldn't they? Some of you didn't have a problem rewarding yourself months ago or making a profit at the expense of the blockchain now you have turned a new leaf and everyone should be on the same page with you? So what happens to your two years of pillaging? Who is holding you accountable for that? Now you've amassed so much from the greedy services you provided you want to dictate what people should or should not post? You dont even have that right. Is the $1-$30 they earn here going to change their lives? What else do you have to offer them? Tell me? What other incentive is there to post? People buy bitcoin because of its speculative value, can you compete with that? People sign up here to create content not advertise steem, I am not a freaking marketer but if I love this place well enough and if it has indeed had a positive effect on my life then it will happen naturally--shilling steem. You can't coerce people into promoting steem. No one had to promote twitter or Facebook. They simply provided services people care about and want to use. Period. No one is begging people to play splinterland. It's a good dapp and people are buying in. If the product is great people will buy it.


You already have enough trolls and cynics disguised as critics. That's not going to push traffic here.

You lot are actually doing the most. Look around you! There is barely anything to hold on to here other than hope and passion. Most people are here because their passion is being rewarded. They probably would do whatever they are doing now for free elsewhere with a larger audience and a chance to be discovered. That's why people run blogs and vlogs for many years without earning a dime. I don't think anyone posts here to be discovered. It's either for the money or for the few people they care about. So let them do that especially when they are not rewarding themselves. It's a totally different ball game when people buy votes, but if the votes come in organically then they deserve it. And moreover, it makes logical sense that people who get sizable upvotes will get more upvotes as other voters would want to capitalize on that to make extra curation reward. I don't know what you guys expect or don't you think things through? We even changed the reward ratio so people can earn less liquid steem which in turn reduces the selling pressure or rate, so what is this whole discussion about people earning too much? It really doesn't any sense to me.

If I'm not buying votes; if I am not making shit post; if I am not spamming; if I am not upvoting my post then why should you put a cap on my earning? There is no moral justification for that. That's just a typical example of how the free market works or how the attention economic works. People shake their booty for a living and talk trash all day and still earn more than I can ever dream of. They are not the ones buying their services, people are and as long as it causes no one harm it is allowed. So I do not know where most of you are getting your ideas from but you have to fix up.


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Brought to you by @tts. If you find it useful please consider upvoting this reply.


Too bad nobody cares about this great post.


Haha. They see it. They just ignore it. It's important people speak about these things and I am happy doing that.


I loved reading this post but I think you picked a bad example. Louisthomas has been here for a very long time and he always earned massive rewards. He basically just cross posts his youtube videos here and he gets highly rewarded. Now that he gets downvoted for once, he “loses his faith in steem”? Thats utter crap. It just goes to show that people are ungrateful for the rewards they do get here when things are great. I never see him commenting anywhere on other author's posts and he doesnt make exclusive content for steem either.

But i agree that people do get caught in some unfair downvote bombs. At the same time, it also goes to show that money is really the only thing that keeps most of us here. If steem was such a fun place to be, people wouldnt freak out over downvotes here and there; especially when theyve been earning quite a bit for a while. The interactions with people are generally bland and insipid. When I'm on YouTube, I genuinely laugh at the top voted comments because they are funny and the algorithm is so good. Here, it's hard to ever find comments/memes that actually make me laugh or entertained.

It might be time for me to start fucking with people here again.

Posted using Partiko Android


Thank you for stopping by. This article was basically directed to smooth's comment about the type of content that should be rewarded.

I think Thomas did what most people who get downvoted do--complain. And yes, you're right, he has been rewarded well here and that's something we all should consider. Even I have not thought about it this way. I have gained some much from steem and I don't think it is right I turn my back on it now when I feel things aren't going so well. Everything is subject to change
