How to set goals that stick/ Part 1


Why do we set goals and then forget about them?
Why do we want one thing one day and another the next day?
Is that a bad thing?
We mostly forget about our goals because we loose focus. Our mind is bombarded by so many things coming at us at breakneck speed everyday.

Such things include;

  • Tasks to do
  • Bills
  • Meetings
  • Emails
  • Information overload
  • Our goals take a backseat and become hazy.

And before you know it, 6 weeks have passed, you have not done anything towards your goals. ie. If say you wanted to make regular payments towards something and you forget to do it, or working out or eating well. In most cases our life becomes such a routine.

Image: Author's own

So it is a Monday, I will wake up, go to work, come back, sleep repeat. Work gets so busy that you don't have time to come up for air. You spend time with people all weekend with no time for yourself. Does that sound familiar?

1. Look at your goals daily

Part of achieving your goals is looking at them/ thinking about them daily if not weekly. Give yourself time to daydream, visualize and marvel at what your life could be. Close your eyes and actually feel it! The more you do this, the more you wanna work for it.
