🐻📷BearDesigns: Fast Session 📸🏥


Hello stemmians❗👻 today I bring you a new one in which I am going to teach you a very quick session that you do the other day with a very dear friend @roinv, I hope you like it and enjoy it, that said let's start ❗🐻📷🚀

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badera venezuela.gifIn this first shot it was something quite improvised in which I made several shots at the same time and then choose the one that I liked the most at the moment, and without a doubt I stay with this photograph, since it is the one that I think I managed to capture in a better way the whole scene I wanted to take at the moment, In addition to all the colors that are seen in it and without a doubt I was quite comfortable with the final result in addition to that I also managed to capture my longboard in the photograph and also the background makes a very good contrast resulting in this photograph final.ezgif.com-resize (23).gif


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ezgif.com-resize (34).gifI also liked this shot a lot and it is a much more different shot since it is a structure really, and without a doubt I liked it a lot too, since I managed to capture the complete structure in addition to that I managed to play quite well with the light, to to see all the reflection that I wanted to achieve in photography, and I also liked the colors very much, sincerely I think it is a good photograph, besides that a way to capture the beauty of my city in small moments or as I said in quick sessions, since they are spontaneous photographs and without much background, since they are more than all sudden ideas and in the end they leave results like this, and besides that I also think they leave a good photographic experience to be able to show them.ezgif.com-resize (62).gif

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ezgif.com-resize (191).gifAnd here the post of stemmians today, I hope you liked it, but above all they enjoyed it, what did you think of the photographs? Would you like to see more quick sessions like these? Let me know in the comments, if you like my content do not forget to follow me to not miss anything in your steemit feed or on the contrary visit my website on wordpress, without saying more I wish you a good morning, afternoon or evening, until another occasion❗🐻ezgif.com-resize (192).gif

All the photographs you saw in this post were taken and edited by me.ezgif.com-resize (72).gif

Follow BearDesings on Instagram.ezgif.com-resize (78).gif

Pictures Taken With Finepix S2950 Camera Lens 28-504mm x18ezgif.com-resize (190).gif

Add me in discord if you want to give me suggestions for post or know some information #SadBear #6392gif computadora.gif

VISIT MY SITE ON WORDPRESS SadBear WebGifsrediv2 (33).gif

