That Grasshopper! unique and awesome

Hi Hiveans !!!

Grasshopper is one animal that is very well known to humans because they live and develop in the human environment, almost every day humans encounter it in every human activity, it is often found in green plants, but most are always domiciled in fruit plants.

Grasshopper is put into herbivorous animals or leaf-eating animals, because the main food is leaves, so it becomes a pest or enemy of fruit farmers and others.

However, it can be said as a unique insect, the uniqueness of their body lies in the color of their shapes and activities that are different from other insects, the uniqueness of their body makes children really want them to play with it.

Not only that, grasshopper is one of the best insects in its habitat because it is capable of jumping high, if he jumps then the jump is as high as 20 times his body length, at least he can jump as far as 5 meters or sometimes more.

Then he can also fly strong and fast, although he rarely flies but he also does it when needed, this is done if there is a sudden situation or when he feels his body is threatened, he will run away and will head to a location that is considered safe.

The uniqueness and facts behind their daily behavior or activities, every scientist or insect expert is always looking for the latest information about himself. This work is done by observation or by conducting research on it so that many insect experts or fellow researchers obtain unique results that are worth discussing about them.

One of the extraordinary findings from experts is that it has 11,000 species that have been collected in information throughout the world, each different species has been widely recognized by experts. Large numbers, of course, the color is different from the body, but nevertheless the post or body remains the same.

Uniqueness for the sake of uniqueness is written and has been summarized in biology so that it is learned by children in the world of education. There are a lot of uniqueness in the history of grasshoppers, but here are only mentioned a few points.

1. The limit of grasshopper's life

Age of grasshoppers are indeed included in the category of great because in general if he is healthy and not preyed by other predators then he will grow and develop for several years at least he can live for a year. Life is so long if it is in an area where the air temperature is warm, but if it is always in a cold climate then it is unable to survive as mentioned above.

Grasshopper itself can not survive in cold air, the main thing that inhibits the breeding process in the position of the Egg. Grasshopper eggs themselves will not hatch if exposed to cold temperatures within a certain temperature.

So often seen locust eggs are always placed in a location that is safe from exposure to rain water or sometimes hidden in a location that is very difficult to find, which is shrouded in leaves with the aim of being protected from anything that endangers the eggs.

If in the region of Indonesia the locust will continue to multiply in the warm season and if it is in the hot region then it will live for several years.

2. Unique eyes

One thing that is very interesting in the body of a grasshopper is an object located in his head from both the eyes, antenna and mouth, grasshoppers have eyes that can detect light and dark, this is proven if you catch it at night, it will detect your body movements who approached him.

The existence of an object will be known by its antenna, because the antenna that is owned by grasshoppers, functions to feel touch and smell, both originating from themselves or from other objects that are around it, it will know every foreign object that approaches it if it feels it is dangerous then he will jump or fly in another direction which he thinks will be safe.

In addition he also has a very special thing that is the temperature or body color. In general, grasshopper's body color adjusts to the environment in which they live, or can be said to be able to disguise themselves with the surrounding environment. He will be able to disguise themselves with the leaves they send down so that every enemy feels invisible to them. While the color of grasshoppers is largely a combination of brown, gray, or green, and most are found in green and yellow.

Then what about the other uniqueness that he has? So in this case it will be conveyed in future posts ...

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In the photo withVIVO Y12 smartphone
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Camerasmartphone VIVO Y12
ThemesThat Grasshopper! unique and awesome
Text referencePersonal observations
