Comparing some of my arts with their reference pictures in relative to the time I made them.


Learning about drawing is good but to me I believe you can improve naturally with time. When people ask me if I need to go learn somewhere, i tell them you can improve personally when it comes to art. Try new materials, try new methods and keep practicing, and naturally without knowing you'll notice improvement. As a self taught artist still having a lot to learn and improve on, practicing is what i rely on.

The drawing of Viola Davis is my first trial at hyper realism and its the most challenging piece I've ever made. I started the piece October last year and i finished early December. You can see its process in my previous posts. Below is a picture of my art beside the reference picture I used. My art is to the left while the reference picture is to the right.


Below is a commissioned piece I did for a friend. I had limited time to get it done and naturally i draw slowly. I wasn't too pleased with the result and i believe. Its the first piece i did this year January.


The piece below is also a commissioned piece. Did it January also after the completion of the one above. I tried as much as possible to do justice to the reference picture compared to the previous one.


Finally, the piece below is the one I love the most so far. Its a fair person and i learned a lot while drawing it. I made the piece this month and completed it last week.


Thanks for visiting my blog.
