Royal Trouble (NSFW) - Chapter 29 - A'mara Books




Sister Klara went with Captain Kuporos to a table in the back corner.

“So, what brings you to Erion?” he asked.

“I am Klara, a sister with the convent on Mt. Vasana, but...”

“Royal entanglement?” he asked, nodding his head. “I had heard that the King and the Prince journeyed up there as we came into port. Was it that bad?”

Klara nodded, the tears coming suddenly to her eyes. “I can’t speak of it here. If word got to him…”

“Ḧe’d behead you, right?”

“No. He wouldn’t behead me… he wants me to… to…”

“The King and his Son have a bad reputation everywhere I’ve been on this island.”

“The King is dead… his Son will be crowned soon,” she replied.

“King dead?! Is his son any better?”

“Worse, I expect,” Klara replied. “He…” She couldn’t continue, the shock hitting her fresh again.

His hand stroked her cheek. “Come with us tomorrow. We will get you off this miserable island. Then you can tell me all about it.”

“You don’t know anything about me!” she replied.

“I know a beautiful young woman with a broken heart when I see one. I won’t charge you anything either if you stay in my quarters with me.”

“I’m not disrespectable!” she cried at him, offended. “I won’t go to bed with you! The King… he…”

“I don’t mean to upset you. I won’t push you into anything, but I can see, little Klara, that you’re a young woman I’d very much like to get to know.”

She looked at him. Beneath his ruggedness, he had a handsome face.

“Give me a chance, Klara?” Kuporos asked.

“Yes,” she replied forcing a smile to her face.

“Tonight, you can stay on my ship, in the first mate’s cabin. No pressure of any kind from me.”

She nodded. “If it’s not too much bother,” she replied.

“None,” he said. “We can invite your friends tonight too. They can borrow the quartermaster’s cabin. I think they would appreciate some time alone together.”

“Yes!” Klara giggled. “You should have heard her last night! Not a quiet woman when she’s with the man she loves.”

The Captain laughed. “You’ve already eased up,” he said casually. “You’re going to be okay, Klara.”

Their food came and she dug in, enjoying a meal that she didn’t have to make herself.

“They seem to be getting along well,” the barmaid said as she brought their meals.

“Who?” Chester asked.

“Your friend and the Captain. Guarantee he will have her in his bed before the night is over.”

“Klara doesn’t need that tonight,” Misty said. “Does she need rescuing?”

“He won’t rape anyone, if that’s what you mean,” the barmaid replied. “Not like the King and his Son. I hate it when he comes in here!”

“He’s been here?” Misty asked, feeling shocked.

“Half of our girls have been pregnant by one or the other. All daughters though, it’s strange.”

“Klara is pregnant by the Son, who is now the King. He is an awful young man! He raped her several times, threatened the rest of us too.”

“I’m sorry to hear that. Captain Kuporos is a gentle soul when he wants to be, despite appearances. If he knows Klara’s situation, I’m sure he will treat her like a queen – and I mean the right sort of queen, not the King’s consort.”

“Maybe there’s hope then,” Chester said.

“There’s always hope,” the barmaid replied. “Otherwise, I wouldn’t work here. The Captain won’t let any ill come to Klara while he’s around, I can tell you that much.”

Misty sighed. Maybe the man could help soothe Klara’s broken heart.

“Klara said you could use lodging tonight,” Captain Kuporos said as he reached the table with Klara at his side.

“If it’s no bother. We can pay,” Chester offered.

“You are employed,” the Captain said. “I will take it out of your pay.”

“Thank you.”

“Your name?”


“You may begin your duties in the morning. We have valuable cargo on this ship. Guarding it should be a simple duty for you.”

“Yes, Captain. Thank you.”

“Do your duty. That’s all I ask,” the Captain said. “Tonight, you will stay in the quartermaster’s cabin, but tomorrow, we’ll get another cabin ready for you two – as soon as we’re under way. However, I will ask you to keep noise to a minimum.” He winked meaningfully.

Misty blushed. “You could hear me?” she asked Klara who grinned and nodded.

“I think the whole convent could hear you!”

“Oh, Vasana!” she cried.

“For what it’s worth, I thought it was kind of cute,” Klara said, then walked away with the Captain.

Chester looked at Misty. “I think it’s sexy,” he hinted.

They walked together to the ship at the dock. Misty held his hand as they walked along. “Which ship is it?” she asked. “I think we forgot that detail.”

Chester looked around. “Other than the small fishing boats, it seems to be the only ship.”

They came to the ship on the dock. The Kuporan it said on the hull. “Looks like a good sign,” Chester said. “Let’s get on board and see what there is to see.”

They found Sister Klara fussing about a cabin in the stern of the ship. “I’m going to find the Captain,” Chester said, and left Misty to see her friend.

“Are you really okay?” Misty asked.

Klara nodded.

“Did he hurt you?”

“No… not really. He just screwed me every way he could imagine on the way to Erion. He threatened to take me to Castel Velantia, but I told him I would kill myself if he tried.”

“Could you do that?” Misty asked.

“I don’t know. But I thought about it after he raped me the first time. I asked Sister Vasana for the killing herbs. Oh, Misty! How could it come to this?! Having to leave our home?! It’s so drastic!”

Misty shook her head. “I don’t know. At least I have Chester now – who has suffered at the King’s hands as well. I’d hate to do this alone.”

“I’m not alone,” Klara said. “I have you two as my friends.”

“I think you may have the Captain as well.”

“I’m not looking for someone right now.”

“But you will be safer with a man at your side, Klara. The barmaid said he’s a good one when you get below the gruff and grime.”

“I don’t know. Right now, I just need a good sleep and a good cry.”

“Let it come out,” Misty advised. “The King cannot hurt you again. Not after we set sail. He will never be able to hurt you again.”

“But he will go after the other Sisters.”

“They will have to deal with him, sadly. But you need to take care of you – and your baby.”

Klara nodded.

“What do you think?” the Captain’s voice was heard behind them.

“It’s excellent!” Chester said.

“I have another one similar to it once I have it cleared out tomorrow.”

“Thank you, Captain. You are too kind.”

“An enemy of the King is a friend of mine.”

“You have a story too then.”

“For another time, Guard. For another time.”



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Other Chapters of the Ladies of Finn II set...

Royal Trouble - Chapter 1

Maps and Guides

Writing and artwork copyright myself 2005-2105 – all rights reserved.
If you are interested in helping me publish these works, please contact me on Facebook or Discord, viking-ventures#2883.

Asking @popcornexpress to bring popcorn!

Lori Svensen
author/designer at A'mara Books
photographer/graphic artist for Viking Visual
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verified author on Goodreads
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blogging on: Steem, Whaleshares, WeKu

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Not bad. I was a little surprised at how quickly Klara jumped into bed (isn't she from a convent?), but there may be something in her backstory that makes her a little hungrier for affection than I realized.
Worth an upvote in any case, and I hope to read more.


Thank you so much.

Yes, Klara was from a convent, but it's not like Earth-based convents where they have vows of chastity or anything. They are simply servants of their goddess (Vasana) and often come from disadvantaged situations. In chapter 30, we saw a little about her backstory - she'd met the captain previously and had been very much attracted to him then. (I think I put a hint about it elsewhere too, but not super developed in this story.) I probably could have strung it out a bit longer, but this felt like the right place to end it - with Klara's heart safely bestowed and hope for the future.

I appreciate your comment, thanks for stopping by! The character & other info post for the next story will be posted tomorrow, with Freyja's Fire beginning the day after that. It moves at a more human-like pace - though we are still working with people who have heightened empathic senses.
