[WITNESS] 메인 10위에 위치하고 있는 증인(@smooth)의 하루 일과 (Feat. Transisto)



얼마 전에 코파시님께서 스팀 증인중에 다운보팅하는이들은, 이정도면 상태가 심각한 수준이다.라는 포스팅을 통해 제이콥(@jacobyu)님의 구글 계정을 연동하고 스팀 계정을 생성하는 튜토리얼 포스팅에 다운보팅이라는 똥을 싸놓고 간 @smooth라는 증인의 실로 병신같은 행동에 개탄을 하신 적이 있었습니다.


만약에 크롬에서 구글 번역이라도 돌려봤다거나, 그것도 귀찮으면 해당 포스트 내에 있는 위와 같은 이미지 화면만 봤더라도 아마 정상적인 증인이었다면 감히 다운보팅을 할 수는 없지 않았을까 생각해봅니다.

이미 #NewSteem이라는 그들만의 무브먼트를 형성하기 위한 명분은 공고히 메인 증인의 위치를 지키고 싶고, 매일 발행되는 스팀을 남들에게 주기 아까워서 행패를 부리고 다니는 양아치들을 양산하고 있습니다.


저는 증인들이 슬랙 방에서 어떤 이야기를 나누는지, 하루에 증인으로서 활동하는데 하루 중에 얼마의 시간을 쓰는지, 최근에는 어떤 이슈들로 바쁜지 전혀 모릅니다.

말 그대로 눈에 보이는 활동들이 그들이 증인으로 중점을 두고 활동하는 것이라고 나름의 bias를 가지고 볼 뿐입니다. 현재 증인 랭킹 10위에 위치하고 있는 @smooth.witness라고 하는 증인의 하루 일과를 한 번 보시죠.


@smooth-a, @smooth-b, @smooth-c, @smooth-d, @smooth-e, @smooth.witness@smooth라는 계정으로 스팀파워를 모아줍니다.


그리고 100% 소각 계정(@null)으로 설정하고 아무 노력과 뜻도 없는 @burnpost에 자신의 보팅파워를 몰빵해서 보팅을 합니다.


물론 이렇게 해서 벌어들인 큐레이터 보상 50%는 파워다운을 해서 내 용돈과 생활비로 사용해야 합니다. 내가 증인으로 멋지게 활동하고 벌어들인 수익이니까요

그런데 스티밋에서 대세글들을 보다보니 이해되지 않는 한국말로 쓰인 포스팅들의 보상이 20달러를 넘어가는 것들이 보입니다.

얼마나 많은 정성이 들어갔든, 그것이 심지어 스팀 계정을 쉽게 만드는 방법에 대한 포스팅이든 아무 관계 없습니다. 나 그리고 나와 친분이 있는 사람들 빼고는 20달러는 넘는 것은 뭔가 기어오르는 듯한 느낌이 들고, 그들에게 가는 보상이 너무 아깝습니다.

그래서 무조건 100% 풀로 다운보팅을 때리기 시작합니다.


뭐 꼭 한국인들을 겨냥하려고 했던 건 아닙니다. 그냥뭔가 보상이 많아 보이는 포스팅들을 다운보팅 하다보니 한국인들이 얻어 걸린 것 뿐이죠.


나는 증인으로서 멋진 행동을 하고 있습니다. 내 보팅의 50%는 소각 계정으로 들어가 STEEM의 유통량을 줄이는데 기여하고 있으니까요. 나머지 50% 큐레이션 수익은 당연히 내가 활동한 것에 대한 정당한 노동의 대가입니다.

제 개인적인 추측으로 소설을 쓴 거지만, 이 소설의 내용과 크게 다른 것은 없을 겁니다. 남들이 어떻게 생각하고 어떻게 받아들이든 그가 생각하는 메인 증인의 역할은 스팀을 지키는 정의로운 보안관이겠죠.


얼마 전 @proxy.token에서 다운보팅을 없애는 것에 찬성하냐는 증인들을 대상으로 한 설문에서 많은 증인들이 각자의 논리과 이유에 따라 찬반 투표에 참여했습니다.

하나씩 읽어보면 그 입장이 이해가 되는 부분도 있고, 잘 이해가 되지 않는 부분도 있더군요. 참 재미있는 점은 결국 다운보팅의 기준과 철학(?)이 있어보이는 증인들도 상대에게 다운보팅을 받으면 보복 사격을 하는 것은 똑같았습니다.

결국 모든 인간은 감정이라는 것을 가지고 있는 존재니까요.


트랜지스토(@transisto)의 의견을 빌리면 그로부터 다운보팅을 받고 있는 우리 모두는 리워드를 위해서만 이 곳에 존재하는 자들이고, 스팀을 떠나야 하는 사람들입니다.

어짜피 절이 싫으면 중이 떠나야 하는 것이 맞으니 생각을 잘 해보고 입장을 잘 정리해봐야겠죠.


You have received a 5.15% upvote based on your stake of 3429.44666356 UFM! Votes today: 1


다운보팅 싫어요. ㅠㅠ 없어지면 좋겠습니다.


클레옵님께서는 스티밋에서 업보팅 다운보팅 모두 없애고 SMT별로 알아서 셋팅하게끔 하자고 하시던데, 차라리 이것도 좋은 방안인듯 싶습니다


업보팅이 없는 스팀잇은 보상을 뭘로 할지.. 궁금하네요. ㅎㅎㅎ


모든 포스팅들이 각자의 SMT가 되어서 거기서 업보팅이나 저자보상:큐레이터보상 정책 등을 결정하게 맡기고, STEEM은 투표보상으로 지급되는 방식이 될 수도 있지 않을까 싶습니다^^


사진보니, 크게 당하셨군요. ㅜㅜ


계속해서 크게 당해왔었는데, 그러려니 하고 넘어가는 것도 하루이틀이지..
저 뿐만 아니라 너무 많은 분들이 보이지 않는 곳에서 당하고 계시는 것도 짜증나네요 ㅠㅠ


맨 처음 다운보팅이 스팀엔진 비딩봇 사용한다고 올 때 예상했던 것이 실제로 알어나니 안타깝습니다. 그냥 다 핑계고 지 보상 챙기기 위함이죠.

대의명분이 있을 때는 혹시나 했는데 요즘 보니 그냥 이기주의인듯.


맞는 말씀이십니다. 차라리 저렇게 그냥 막 똥싸지르고 다니는게 차라리 나은지도 모르겠네요. 정말 엄청난 대의명분을 가진척, 정확한 잣대와 기준을 가지고 있는 척, 교양있는 척 하지 말구요..


구실은 구실일뿐이라는 거네요 ㅠㅠ


아주 그냥 좋은 명분이 하나 생겼다고 마음껏 설치는 중이네요..


생각보다 더 어처구니가 없네요. 거꾸로 말하자면 저런 분들이 스팀의 증인으로 보상을 받고 있기에, 스팀이 암울한 현실에 직면하고 있는 것 같습니다. 판을 새로짜야할 이유가 더욱 명확해졌네요..


결국은 편향성을 가진 이기주의인데, 어떻게든 잘 포장해보려고 하는거라 좀 더 역겹습니다 ㅠㅠ


2018년 6월자 스팀백서 12쪽에 있는 내용이 생각나네요. 과연 SMT과 커뮤니티만 올라오면 이제 다 완성이 되는 것일지..

The Story of the Crab Bucket
A man was walking along the beach and saw another man fishing in the surf with a bait bucket beside him. As he drew closer, he saw that the bait bucket had no lid and had live crabs inside.
“Why don’t you cover your bait bucket so the crabs won’t escape?” he asked.
“You don’t understand,” the fisherman replied, “If there is one crab in the bucket it would surely crawl out very quickly. However, when there are many crabs in the bucket, if one tries to crawl up the side, the others grab hold of it and pull it back down so that it will share the same fate as the rest of them.”
So it is with people. If one tries to do something different, get better grades, improve herself, escape her environment, or dream big dreams, other people will try to drag her back down to share their fate.
Eliminating “abuse” is not possible and shouldn’t be the goal. Even those who are attempting to “abuse” the system are still doing work. Any compensation they get for their successful attempts at abuse or collusion is at least as valuable for the purpose of distributing the currency as the make-work system employed by traditional Bitcoin mining or the collusive mining done via mining pools. All that is necessary is to ensure that abuse isn’t so rampant that it undermines the incentive to do real work in support of the community and its currency.
The goal of building a community currency is to get more “crabs in the bucket.” Going to extreme measures to eliminate all abuse is like attempting to put a lid on the bucket to prevent a few crabs from escaping and comes at the expense of making it harder to add new crabs to the bucket. It is sufficient to make the walls slippery and give the other crabs sufficient power to prevent others from escaping. (pg. 12)


시대를 앞서간 백서인가요 ㅎㅎㅎ SMT와 커뮤니티 기능이 추가되더라도 합의메커니즘의 큰 틀에서의 변경도 있어야 되지 않을까 싶기도 하고 그러네요 ㅠㅠ


dakeshi님이 donekim님의 이 포스팅에 따봉(5 SCT)을 하였습니다.


I can't read this, but smooth thinks if we reduce the supply the price may drop less so he does the burn post and encouraging burning Steem via sending it to null as well.

Well he has great intentions personally I would rather see us work on the issue of Demand.


Why would demand increase when we (really short sighted users who believe that 'rewarding themselves' via their stake is a thing) are inflating ourselves to death, resulting in the value declining month after month? The only logical response to that on the demand side is to stay far away from putting money into it, and even for people already holding Steem to sell it and buy cheaper later. It is actually hurting demand, is self-defeating, and self-destructive.

And, no I don't mean the overall crypto bear market, but our relative value declining to the point where we are worth less than some projects that have no users, no development, etc. There is no explanation for the latter (having and doing nothing being worth more than Steem) other than what we are doing is actively destroying value rather than adding or creating it.

I'm all for onboarding and rewarding of high value content, but if we care at all about self-preservation as a community and project we need to moderate the amount of budget being spent on that so it aligns in magnitude with what the added user base and activity level can absorb in new coins, instead of generating huge imbalanced sell pressure in the market, which is clearly what we have been doing.

BTW, in reply to the OP, @donekim, @burnpost voters don't get anywhere near 50% curation rewards. There are a lot of early votes which return a large portion of the curation rewards to the pool instead of paying to voters. The sensible reason to vote for @burnpost (if one chooses to do so) is because one believes that pulling back a bit on the supply-demand imbalance is ultimately good for Steem. You can easily get better curation rewards elsewhere, even voting (almost) at random.


We have users who vote for others also.

We also have stakeholders who love to tell everyone why the price will not raise.

We have a development team via steemit inc that doesn't have a marketing budget.

We have lot's of challenges. Funny story in Aug of 2016, I was trying to figure out Steem, my first experience with crypto. You jumped in and answered several questions for me... Which was nice and you are very clear in your communication style. You also upvoted each one of your comments 460 dollars each. :) lol, I thought it was amusing, odd and tacky, but not a deal breaker.


We have users who vote for others also

Sure, no one would claim that 100% of rewards are wasted, which I think is what you are trying to say here (not exactly the same, but close). An awful lot of those apparent votes for others are actually paid votes or (explicit or implicit) vote trading which is closer to self voting than actual rewarding of merit and added value. Not all, certainly, but a lot.

We have a development team via steemit inc that doesn't have a marketing budget

There are other blockchains worth more with no marketing budget. They don't even have an active development team at all, or barely have one.

In reality, things like development teams and marketing budgets can be important, but don't always translate into price. What does translate into price 100% of the time is supply and demand. And BTW it is difficult for Steemit to have a marketing budget when they have very little in the way of funding and ability to cover costs, which is very much a function of the price.

One final point. We have an enormous marketing budget, that is probably, as a percentage of market cap, among the biggest in the entire marketplace: the reward pool. That is nothing other than a marketing program. It is clearly not being spent effectively, so much so that it almost isn't even recognizable as a marketing budget!

It should be a massive super power that promotes Steem into the stratosphere and beyond. Of course it isn't. Why not?

Recognizing it as such and downvoting when you see rewards that don't further the aims of marketing would go a long way toward righting the ship.

You also upvoted each one of your comments 460 dollars each

Odd, but I don't remember the context.

I'm a lot more interested in what is going on right now though.


Well, I think that it (Steem) started to work for a while when we were in the bull market. People were onboarding, building tools, projects, products and excitement were growing. That is how you create the network effect. People gather and others come to build, games, businesses, apps, gambling, sell them tee shirts, etc.

I think the idea of voting up the best content or even quality content is kind of funny.

As to the rest, it is just various challenges all projects have challenges.

I'm fine with a few self upvoters and I am fine with some of them and others getting downvoted that is how it works.

You know what those other blockchains do? They create stories. Bitcoin's story... Free, Fast Transactions, and freedom from over-zealous Government. It's not totally true, but it what they want to be.

Litecoin, An Alternative to BTC, it's even faster very focused on small transactions.

Dash - Privacy, still not totally true, but a goal.

ETH - Smart Contracts

They do things like buy a pizza with Bitcoin, to prove it as a currency and they tell the story.

You are right, it isn't the marketing budget it is the desire to make sure your project has a story and other people know what it is.

While I totally agree that our inflation IS a potential marketing budget and that much of it is misused I also would like to point out it is a distribution model.

Just as other tokens/currencies have POW we have DPOS. It is meant to distribute the coin. The more hands who hold it, the more possibility that it will hold value and be seen as an exchange of value.

While I know it isn't working smoothly, it is a distribution model and we do have the tools to allocate it. So, the project works, the price will correct until it is in the right hands.

Regarding our first conversations, yeah, the past is the past. :) No hard feelings. I am glad you shared your views, it was helpful.


I think that it (Steem) started to work for a while when we were in the bull market

Well, probably the best form of promotion and marketing is a rising price and the worst (pretty much regardless of whatever else is being done) is a falling price. That's could be considered crass, I suppose, but it is the harsh reality and a good reason to pay close attention to supply and demand and be very suspicious of reward payouts which don't pay off.

The more hands who hold it, the more possibility that it will hold value and be seen as an exchange of value.

I would tend to agree. Translated into prudent use of rewards, this argues against milking of a large amount by an individual or a small group, and support for smaller rewards distributed more widely.

When the former is seen happening, the best response for stakeholders who want to see wider distribution and (as you explain it, "more possibility to hold value") is to downvote. Or pivot toward reduced inflation to the extent it is widespread and persistent.

I would actually say that "distribution" is a clearly form of marketing (which is why we see not only mining and rewards but giveaways, airdrops, etc.). Just like everything else, rewards can be used effectively or ineffectively for distribution. When used ineffectively, the result is the value hurt by inflation and not getting some offsetting benefit.

So, yeah, let's use rewards for distribution, but that, like everything else, means doing so effectively.

and we do have the tools to allocate it

Possibly, but statements like this are quite vague. In some abstract theoretical sense "we have the tools" but if real people in a real world environment do not behave in a manner which makes the tools effective, then we don't actually have the right tools, or the right tools might not even exist.


I'm in agreement with your points. I don't think acknowledging the powerful impact that price has is crass at all. It is realistic.

While I would rather see rewards going to distribution than being burnt, I understand your view and acknowledge it is a reasonable position to take under the current situation.

Limited supply only matters when and if there is a demand. I guess it is fair to say both efforts might be required until we get some momentum.


Limited supply only matters when and if there is a demand

There is some demand otherwise the price would be zero (given the reality of some new supply being created and sold which needs to find a buyer). For any given amount of demand, more supply translates into a lower price and less supply into a higher price. And as we discussed, higher price can itself translate into more demand, and vice versa...
