RE: Election 2020


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Clearly the Democratic administrations in all three states have deliberately enabled fraud on a massive scale to be ridiculously easy, and independent researchers have discovered the exploit that was built in to the election fraud system. It's unlikely that the elections in a couple weeks will have any potential for integrity at all.

It's ludicrous to expect Democrats to accept the blame for this stunning vector for vote fraud either - but it doesn't even matter at this point. I don't think it's remotely possible that given this blatant corruption of democracy that has been revealed at this late date any reformation of the ballot systems in these three states (and any others that are subsequently revealed to be similarly compromised) could be instituted that would be trusted by the losing side in the coming elections.

I think I'm probably misunderstanding your writing, but you seem to support the Republican Party now.

However, and worse, the already violent protests that have been more and more marked by division and escalating militarism will be exacerbated.

Consider this a warning call. I do not think it's likely that civil war can be avoided no matter what corrupt state governments do at this point, and believe it's their intention to foment it in order to justify martial law in collusion with federal agencies no less corrupt.

In the current state of California and Oregon in the United States, has there been riots and arson? Is there a civil war going on? In the Korean media and broadcasting, the situation in the United States is not said at all.


" seem to support the Republican Party now."

These states are subject to Democratic administrations, who bear the responsibility for the negligent state of election security, so my comments disparage the sorry state of those states. However, Republican administrations have their own failings, and I generally find Republicans too leftist for my understanding of just governance as well.

I am so conservative regarding the inherent freedoms human beings express that no government presently in power rules justly, and therefore I remain unable to endorse either Republican or Democratic rule.

"In the current state of California and Oregon in the United States, has there been riots and arson?"

Yes. I see that martial law is being incrementally imposed through lockdowns and increasing means of arbitrary authoritarian intervention, violent partisans are being funded to riot and disrupt civil society, and note that ordinary folks are strapping up and hunkering down in preparation for worse to come. I hope they and I are paranoid, and the situation does not degrade into civil war, but I am continuing to prepare for every possible disruption anyway.
