Don't lose your hope be patient good time will come to you!


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This is a place that is forgotten by the world. One it was a palace for a king but now it's an only jungle and nobody is in there. Nobody wants to live there. That makes our sense that after dying we Can't take anything with our dead bodies. Every time is spending nothing will be stuck for us. No matters who you are. If you are a king you have to die. If you are a doctor also you have to die. If you are labour you have to die. No one can live forever. No one is
Immortal everyone has to die one day. So we Shouldn’t judge people by the work we should judge them for humanity. We should treat them as our friend as a Human Being. If you are in a good position now it will not last for a lifetime. One day it will be bad but you Shouldn’t lose your mind. You have to remember that yesterday was a good time for me but today is not and again good days will come for you. That's the Universal truth. we should remain that in our brain. Keep patience when you are suffering through any trouble. Don't lose hope and just pray to god. Praying is not only for the bad time we should pray every time when we are in a good time also. Coz if we don't pray in our good time's god will not help us in bad times it makes sense to us and its a common sense. If you don't listen to anyone when your tine is going well and when the good time finished that person will not helo you. Its the truth so you have to pray all the time to go no matters your time is good or bad just keep praying. A good time will come for you. And also make a good relationship with all king of peoples. Who knows god will help you by whom? So don't behalf yourself rudely. Make your heart soft and be relax. Impossible things will happen for you if you wats to do so with honesty. So it's too important, to be honest with your work what you are doing. Because honesty is the best policy ever if you ignored this policy you will be the failure. And cant raise in your life. That's all I have to say for you guys. I just wanted to motivate yourself for working and thinking good.

** Thank You **

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