Transparent beauty of autumn


Early autumn gives a special beauty. Trees still under the crown of foliage. With gentle touches, autumn changes their colors, undresses slowly. Separate leaves, twigs turn yellow. September is changeable this year. The first half was very warm, as if the continuation of the summer. Then the temperature dropped sharply, then rain, then the sun. Today was the first frost in the morning. But in the afternoon, beautiful sunny weather and blue sky. It's time to admire nature - the transparent autumn beauty of September.

The most daring leaflets are the first to change colors and go flying. In their last dance, slowly circling in the air, go down to rest.

The scarcely touched scarlet maple leaf attracts the eye with its tenderness.

In contrast with the green, the yellow leaves look especially beautiful.

How beautiful the green branches, touched by yellowness, against the blue sky, are beautiful - only nature can create such a selection of colors.

The yellow leaf lingered on the goldenrod, as if specially supporting, adorned his drooping faded colors. Indeed, until recently, goldenrod itself adorned the neighborhood with a riot of bright colors. Nature changes colors at different times of the year - some come to replace the other. We have to admire the ready, have time to consider, capture.
