The story of Chicho the cat and my healing process with him.

Authored by @Devo and Luz


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This post is written in double language, so you will find the text completely in English followed by Spanish.

Este post esta escrito en doble lenguaje, por lo que encontraran el texto completamente en Español seguido del Ingles.


Today, I close a fractal and other possibilities open up. Today I release the one I love, I serenely cry and smile, without giving in to the drama. I am only living. I am on my way with heart.

When relationships end, they end, but the gifts they give us remain, like the herd of cats that Luz and I have under our protection and shelter, they are more than 20 cats and dogs, among caracas and chichiriviche of the coast, in Venezuela. These animals, our younger brothers and sisters, have taught me how to live, what community and telepathy is all about. Also how love heals our lives.

I honor that, and I give thanks.

That is why I said earlier that I want to present here, with her permission, from Luz, the story she wrote. The story is about Chicho, one of our cats that is on the coast and that makes life in the yagoarundi project.

I make this post, which is more from Luz than mine, to pre welcome her to the community of Hive, I hope soon open her account, this is my gift of love for her, that she can make her art here in a decentralized way, her writing and her experience with Chicho, our cat was something that taught her a lot in the quarantine, and it is very nice story to tell.

"Luz, I love you, I bless you... here I leave your story"

This is the story of Chicho the cat...

Chicho techo vecina.jpg

Our love for cats has been going on for some years now but the more I get to know them the more I love them...

I was coming home after visiting my neighbors. Chicho and other cats ran mewing for food but Chicho jumped on three legs. Her right front paw was destroyed, it was a big wound. Bones, muscles, tendons, necrotic skin and worms that produced a terrible smell...

Chicho pata desgarrada.jpg

I didn't know what to do, I just knew I had to do it. I had never treated such a delicate little animal before. I was alone, without a vet and without medication. I relied on Reiki and Hoponopono. I called @towatia (Devo), sent videos, photos to several friends asking for help and started a task that took me 45 days. Days of quarantine that helped me to attend to him 24 hours a day.

With the daily support of Devo and a veterinary friend, the challenge of saving Chicho's paw began. Cleaning, removing worms were three times a day tasks, without fail. Learning to use her raspy tongue to remove dead skin without doing more damage than necessary and placing the magic aloe vera. Preventing him from escaping, giving him the antibiotic that the village nurse gave me, feeding him and immobilizing him like a child so that I could safely clean the wound for both of them?

Phrases like: Leave it in the river; It is not worth so much sacrifice; It will lose its leg; Give it back to the owner (which is the same as leaving it in the river)... They were usual, which convinced me more to do it from my selfless love. Saving that paw was my greatest wish.

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Chicho's paw recovered. Chicho is no longer the same strong cat. The first day of freedom he came out smelling everything, the plants, the earth, believing that everything was still the same, he was beaten up. He understood that he was weak, that he was missing some claws and that the cats and the patios would be difficult.



Now Chicho owns my yard, the cats come in to dispute it but I go out to help him with my broom. He returns every night to his safe house, looking for love and there I am to take care of him and love him...he has a nice cattery, with a wife and many stepchildren...

We cured Chicho's paw with aloe vera crystals that I renewed three times a day and placed them with the blessed wound. When the wound on his paw was almost completely closed, I was left with the task of defusing the inflammation. The cat suffered a severe tear. It took a lot to deflate the paw but I soaked the paw in an infusion of mango leaf and arnica. That was the solution. A few days later the paw was already deflated.

Right now, the boy's wife has just given birth, and more cats are coming into our lives. She has already brought the first 5 cats that are growing strong and healthy. We will tell you about "the fat one" later on.


I thank God for what Chicho teaches me, that all wounds with love and wisdom can be healed. He came to me in that moment, gave me the beautiful opportunity that we will heal together. I learned about the love of the other, about the love of life and the fear of death, about what is really important in life, about the here and now...he showed me an unknown side of my being that I now honor and respect.

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Luz Mary.



Hoy, cierro un fractal y otras posibilidades se abren. Hoy suelto a quien amo, serena lloro y serena sonrío, sin entregarme al drama. Solo estoy viviendo. Estoy en mi camino con corazón.

Cuando se acaban las relaciones, se acaban ellas, pero quedan los regalos que nos dan como la manada de gatos que Luz y yo tenemos bajo nuestra protección y resguardo, son más de 20 gatos y perros, entre caracas y chichiriviche de la costa, en Venezuela. Estos animales, nuestros hermanos menores, me han enseñado a vivir, lo que es la comunidad y la telepatía. También como el amor sana nuestras vidas.

Yo honro eso, y doy las gracias.

Es por lo que dije anteriormente que quiero presentarles aquí, con el permiso de ella, de Luz, la historia que escribió. La historia es sobre Chicho, uno de nuestros gatos que está en la costa y que hace vida en el proyecto yagoarundi.

Hago este post, que es más de Luz que mío, para darle la pre bienvenida a la comunidad de Hive, espero pronto abra su cuenta, este es mi regalo de amor para ella, que pueda hacer su arte aquí de forma descentralizada, su escribir y su experiencia con Chicho, nuestro gato fue algo que le enseñó mucho en la cuarentena, y es muy bonita historia para contar.

"Luz, te amo, te bendigo... aquí dejo tu historia"

Esta es la historia de Chicho el gato...

Chicho techo vecina.jpg

Nuestro amor por los gatos lleva ya algunos años pero mientras más los conozco más los amo...

Yo regresaba a casa después de visitar a mis vecinas. Chicho y otros gatos más corrieron maullando por comida pero Chicho saltaba en tres patas. Su pata derecha delantera estaba destruida, era una gran herida. Huesos, músculos, tendones, piel necrosada y gusanos que producían un terrible olor...

Chicho pata desgarrada.jpg

No sabía que hacer, sólo sabía que tenía que hacerlo. Nunca había atendido a un animalito tan delicado. Estaba sola, sin veterinario y sin medicamentos. Me apoye en el Reiki y Hoponopono. Llamé a @towatia (Devo), envié vídeos, fotos a varios amigos solicitando ayuda y comencé una tarea que me llevo 45 días. Días de cuarentena que me ayudaron a atenderlo las 24 horas del día.

Con el diario apoyo de Devo y una veterinaria amiga comenzó el reto de salvar la pata de Chicho. Limpiar, sacar gusanos eran tareas de tres veces al día, sin fallar. Aprender a usar su lengua rasposa para eliminar la piel muerta sin hacer más daño del necesario y colocar la mágica sabila. Evitar que escapara, suministrar el antibiótico que me dio la enfermera del pueblo, alimentarlo e inmovilizarlo como un pequeño para poder limpiar la herida con seguridad para ambos...

Frases como: Déjalo en el río; No vale la pena tanto sacrificio; Perderá la pata; Devuélvelo a la dueña (lo cual es igual a dejarlo en el río)... Eran usuales, lo que me convencía más de hacerlo desde mi amor desinteresado. Salvar esa pata era mi mayor deseo.

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La pata de Chicho se recuperó. Chicho ya no es el mismo gato fuerte. El primer día de libertad que salió oliendo todo, las plantas, la tierra, creyendo que todo seguía igual, le dieron una paliza. Entendió que era débil, que le faltaban algunas garras y serían difícil las gatas y los patios.



Ahora Chicho es dueño de mi patio, los gatos entran a disputarselo pero yo salgo a ayudarlo con mi escoba. Él vuelve todas las noches a su casa segura, buscando cariño y allí estoy yo para cuidarlo y amarlo...tiene una linda manada, con esposa y muchos gaticos hijastros...

La pata de Chicho la curamos con cristales de sábila que renovaba tres veces al día y los colocaba con la herida bendada, al cerrar casi completamente la herida de su pata, me quedo la tarea de desinflamar la zona. El gato sufrió un desgarramiento severo. Me costó mucho desinflamar la pata pero remojé la pata en una infusión de hoja de mango y árnica. Esa fue la solución. A los pocos días ya la pata estaba desinflamada.

En estos momentos la esposa de chicho está recién parida, vienen más gatos a nuestra vida. Ya trajo los primeros 5 que están creciendo fuertes y sanos. De "la gorda" les contaremos más adelante.


Agradezco a Dios lo que Chicho me enseña, que todas las heridas con amor y sapiencia pueden ser curadas. Vino a mi en ese momento, me dio la hermosa oportunidad de que sanaràmos juntos. Aprendí sobre el amor al otro, sobre el amor a la vida y sobre el miedo a la muerte, sobre lo que realmente es importante en la vida, sobre el aquí y el mostró un lado desconocido de mi ser que ahora honro y respeto.

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Luz Mary.


Cuando decidimos adoptar a nuestra gatita no teníamos ningún medicamento a la mano, con la ayuda de la comunidad de discord de @naturalmedicine, pudimos pagarle un veterinario y le hacíamos constantemente la cura con sábila y orégano orejón y realmente sano en cuestión de dos semanas, recomiendo totalmente ese medicamento natural. Que lindo post y que imágenes tan buenas captaron. Que bello chicho y su esposa y sus hijastros jejejeje amor absoluto.

Un post muy bueno, gracias por compartir. Saludos!


What an amazing recovery! The wound looked so horrific, I would have never had the confidence he could be healed, but like Luz I would have had to try.

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That is such a beautiful story of healing and love... nice to see that Chicho is recovering so well from that awful wound!


You have received a vote from @fundaciondiyocoi and the curative trail associated with this account! thank you for sharing your values with us!



Pets are such good teachers. Although I don't particularly like cats, when I've lived with them I have really enjoyed their company and I know they make people happy. That injury looks so terrible - what a blessing that that cat found you and you healed him! I do think our relationship with animals is so precious - it hurts me to think of people abusing them.

You look like a cat too, all peaceful and purring with your furry friend!


:) Thanks for your comment. Certainly part of me is a cat. Living with them have gave me a superpower for falling down. Last year I falled from 4.5 meters on a
Septic tank without use, and I´ve have only mi left radius bone broken, 12 stitches on my head and a concussion.
Cats save
