RE: Being Home is the Best Medicine


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From someone who suffers from atypical Seasonal Affective Disorder (SADS), I was struck by how moving affected you. Lots less sun in SF, lots more in S.D. Not to mention all the other things you believed made your life better in SD.

Been in that black hole, know how horrible it is. Had a 3 yr old at the time...

Just tossing it out there as an idea...


Yes. This is something I thought about often.

The first winter I moved back to San Diego was a cold wet one, with everyone around me joking about how I had brought the rain with me. I kept being worried, because SAD was something I had considered (although the Dr's would do their best not to roll their eyes at me because Bay Area weather is supposed to be great, they just never had the pleasure of living in San Diego). My sister laughed at me one day in the dead of winter, when it was dark at 5pm.

"You're not getting depressed here." She laughed, as she pointed at the five kids jumping on my couches.

But yes, if I ever start feeling blue again, I will look on the map and see where there is more sunshine and chase it. The warmth, not just the sun, makes a big difference.

Thank you for your perspective and for taking the time to read.

Sorry to hear about your black hole, hope it is better now.


Yes, black hole is long gone. I still struggle with the SADS, but life is good most of the time.


SADS hit me today with the time change (it was dark by 5pm), but, I think it is easier to cope with around family. It's not just the family, its the fact that you HAVE to leave the house, and you HAVE to be moving, and you have things to do, responsibilities to tend to when your kids have cousins who NEED them at their Birthday party. You don't blow off grandma cause you don't feel like leaving the house, you just don't...

Thank you for sharing with me and I wish you lots of mental health this winter.
