A thousand benefits to jasmine


Hello Hiveans ... Good morning !!!

Meuleu flower! The name is well-known in the national language of Aceh, whereas in Indonesian it is referred to as Bunga Melati. This flower is one of the flowers that are very well known in the environment around us. This is due to the aroma, beauty and beneficial to body health and skin beauty and many more properties that are contained.

Whereas in English it is often heard Jasmine Flower and many more names embedded on it, having a series of names on this ornamental plant shows that how famous this flower is in ornamental plant cultivation, in health experts, and in every wider community in general.

Then this flower is not only famous as a raw material for medicines or a source of perfume base material that has a distinctive and fragrant aroma, but Bunga Melati is also very attached to the traditions that exist in Indonesia especially Aceh Province, because this flower is one of the regional symbols. Even this flower gets the title as a national flower or also known as the National Nation which is always celebrated on certain days.

Why is he so interested and respected? Because it has great benefits for human life such as:

  • Useful as a basic ingredient of medicines
  • Have a beautiful color
  • The basic ingredients of perfume

The benefits it contains are found in all parts of the body of the flower itself, both from the leaves, flowers and roots.

The content or substances that exist in jasmine flowers

Basically, jasmine flower is one of the plants that is often made as a traditional medicine for the people of Indonesia and even the people of Southeast Asia also do and utilize it from every part of the body of the jasmine flower, because Asian people know about the content that is owned by jasmine, then whatever famous ingredient? So look at the explanation below:

The content that is owned by Bunga Melati in outline
NumberPlant partsContent
1Flowers, leaves and rootsIndole
2Flowers, leaves and rootsLinalcohol
3Flowers, leaves and rootsAsetat Benzilic
4Flowers, leaves and rootsAlcohol Benzilic
5Flowers, leaves and rootsJasmon
6Flowers, leaves and rootsThere are still many other contents not mentioned here

Every content contained in every body of jasmine flower, both in terms of leaves, flowers and roots is one of the things that is very beneficial for the health of the human body and also as other social ingredients, so it must be able to cure several diseases that often suffer from humans, so it's no longer the secret of jasmine flower as an herbal plant. Then what can cure the disease? Below will be explained several diseases that are often cured by flower material. Here is the explanation:

A. Treat shortness of breath

Shortness of breath or shortness of breath is one disease that often attacks children or adults is no exception, so if you have a history of the disease, the benefits of this jasmine flower with simple techniques such as:

1. Materials needed

a. Prepare as many as 20 jasmine flowers or the sheet

b. Prepare 3 glasses of mineral water and a little salt

c. and equipment or tools to support the implementation of boiling.

2. How to process it

Boil 20 pieces of jasmine petals with salt and 3 cups of water

a. Wait until the boiling water boils and only two glasses remain

b. After the cold cooking water, strain the jasmine boiled water and drink

c. Do this twice a day, in the morning and evenin.

This simple method is very easy for everyone to do because the materials you need are very easy to get either in your own home or others. Then this method also does not require large costs like other drugs that are done by extracting with other sophisticated machines. So while relaxing you can do it.

The explanation above is one way that is very simple or you can process it in another way, as long as it is not mixed with other chemicals, if jasmine flowers are mixed with other chemicals it will have an impact on the results that are not good

This jasmine flower not only can cure shortness of breath but also can treat other diseases such as:

  • Fever and headaches
  • Treat eye pain
  • Prevents cholesterol
  • Lose weight
  • Treat stress
  • Treat eye pain
  • Overcoming insomnia
  • and several other diseases not mentioned here.

Then how to process it so it is appropriate to consume it, the explanation will be mentioned in future posts, and in future posts it will be posted on video tutorials on 3speak media.

To be continue...!!!
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In the photo withVIVO Y12 smartphone
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Camerasmartphone VIVO Y12
ThemesBees and flowers A thousand benefits to jasmine🌱
Text referencePersonal observations & Personal experience ✎
