Another's food is sweeter


Walking through the park, I noticed this beauty. Jackdaw sat on a peg and watched carefully as the rook pecks the fallen seeds.

Sometimes she indifferently turned away, most likely, for the sake of sight - I was not at all interested in this. I'm just sitting here.

Rook, meanwhile, was carried away in search of food. Autumn, however, poured a lot of things from trees, different plants, there is something to feast on even in one place on a small site.

Jackdaw still could not stand it. Why - he eats there, but I, too, do not mind. Although food can now be found everywhere, there is so much expanse around. But still the rook found something quite tasty there. Perhaps I will also join next, thought the jackdaw. At first she came closer to the rook, continuing to pretend that it was just like that.

Just a healthy curiosity.

She came up as a friend.

Perhaps I will also try what the rook found delicious here. Jackdaw came very close to the rook and tried to peck next to him. Rook could not stand such an onslaught and drove off the stubborn daw. She was not particularly scared. The grach nevertheless yielded to her, it was worthless to contact him with a little hooligan. This moment is just filmed on video.
