Contest! My 2019 Achivements and Failures | By @belkisa758


Main picture brought the blog @anomadsoul

2019, a year full of experiences and opportunities. It was my moment in this financial ecosystem, my first time as a content developer, my first time in continuous interactions with different users and also my first time exchanging culture throughpurely virtual contact.

In thisyearthatis about to end, I strengthenedmytechniques and skillsto create content. I established my own healing methods and participated in friendly communities that obviously contributed greatly to my growth in steemit.

Thousands of things happened during the year. I agreed with some. With others instead, not so much.

I lived two adjustments on the platform the HF20 and HF21. The transition process is always complex. The expectations are, in myopinion, theuncertaintythat leadsustodoubt whether the implementation of the changes will be good or not.

A problem regarding weaknesses was the lack of trust in each user and individualism. << I will accept the change if I benefit >>, it was and remains a common thought. << I will accept the change if we all benefit, stops being collective thinking >>.

Faced with this reality I saw the migration of excellent users. Hasty decisions made evident the brain drain. The lack of confidence, as I indicated earlier, helped to weaken the currency for which many of us continue to work and trust. This is an experience with many lessons. ** We must add to the platform, not subtract to deteriorate **

Regarding the aforementioned point, I learned about the importance of maintaining the union to exert force.

Regardless of the hierarchy, level or my own reputation, beyond that, it is the union and support that truly continues to make sense of my permanence on the platform.

Another important learning after reflectionis, understandingthatall work deserves effort and dedication. I climb and reach high levels as long as I continue to show that I have apprehended a bit in this gigantic world.

What am Imissing? Investing is a key element to generate power; creating quality content is another fundamental element. Understanding that steemit is not just about creating content still maintains my level of ignorance, for this reason I consider it necessary to stop further at this point and stretch comfort zones.

Image of my property @belkisa758

I must in that sense, overcome fears to deepen other fundamentals that are part of the steemit ecosystem.

  • Within my lessons learned, I value the process in steem-engine, it is an opportunity to learn to value the cryptocurrency market through tokens.
  • I value my interaction with other users which have been founded on the basis of respect.
  • I value the use of tools that have allowed me to give quality to my publications.
  • I value having discovered the art of photography.
  • I value the learning offered by the virtual world, search, selection, and presentationof information. The knowledge about the different themes has allowed me to participate in interesting conversations with clear foundations.
  • The support of the content curators before and during my journey in this medium has been the measurer of my own goals and objectives. In this sense, I value the support of those who today trust my work and talent.

Without a doubt, this 2019 was a year of opportunities, thanks for allowing me to express part of my experience!

¡Gracias por leer, comentar y votar!

Banner diseñado con la herramienta de PowerPoint @belkisa758
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Thanks for your entry! Don't forget to share it on Twitter using the tags #steem and #steemit so more people from the Twitter community hear about it and resteem the original post so more Steemians can join!


Thank you for the so-called to participate and also the so-called to be alert. Ready! Had already given RT to the post. Best regards.


Un camino... muchos paisajes y nuevas formas de ver el mundo.
Es bueno acompañarte un rato amiga.
Bendiciones para el tiempo que queda y todo lo que viene con el 2020. 🌟
Saludos con cariño


Amén! Igualmente es todo un placer para mi contar siempre con tu apoyo, me has brindado muchas oportunidades y gracias a eso he aprendido. Valiossas todas tus enseñanzas amiga! Saludos.


Me alegro por tu crecimiento en la plataforma durante 2019,
yo he visto de cerca todo tu esfuerzo, los pasos que has dado...
Gracias por contribuir, con tu brillante contenido!
Suerte en el concurso,
Gran amiga @belkisa758

Saludos :)


Agradezco tu compañía querido nacho, has sido pieza fundamental en todo mi proceso. Eres un gran motivador y demuestras con hechos los aspectos que nos hacen crecer con mayor confianza. Eres un modelo en esta plataforma y sé que puedes ayudar a quienes desean seguir creciendo. Abrazos amigo, infinitas gracias.


Estaremos acompañandote a un lado de camino, si te cansas te empujamos un rato, esperemos estar alli para apoyarte como siempre @belkisa758


Gracias amiga sé que así será!! De igual manera por acá estaré empujando a otros como dices. Abrazos!


Enhorabuena por todos Lis buenos consejos que aportas.
Como bien dices, creo que hay que crear un buen contenido para lo cual hay que tener tiempo e ilusión. No pasa nada si no se publica todos los días. Lo importante es crear algo de lo que sentirse orgulloso.
Quien sabe si un tataranieto nos descubrirá dentro de 100 años...
Por eso es importante crearle una grata impresión y trasmitirle un mensaje de bondad y buenos valores...
Es como una botella con un mensaje enviado al futuro. Me gusta esta idea.
Un abrazo fuerte navideño 😊

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