'Noysz' - New Original Music - Taking Yesterday's Idea In a Very Weird Direction - Electronic/Instrumental + Walkthrough


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As I mentioned yesterday, I liked the

Cypher2, Synth UI
weirder, noisier parts of the song idea, so I went and removed the SyndtSphere, and altered a few other things, along with some new additions, which I think definitely went in the weird direction pretty hard. First off, I edited the bass, in Track 8, pumping up the volume quite a bit, so its a lot more obvious. I also went through the group of sounds from the Tone Transfer tool, and combined them all into a single audio clip in Track 6. I then went through and automated the transposition modulation, sort of moving things up and down at random, trying to avoid any obvious patterns, so those squeeks and bleeps now move around a lot, and feel a bit more random and weird, which I think helped quite a bit, as the repetition before was a little boring.

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All the new audio clips, recorded from Cypher2

Listen to Noysz here...

Tracks 11-15 are also all new, taking the place of the one

Cypher2 Arpeggiator/Sequencer UI
SyndtSphere part, in addition to layering over a lot of other parts. I wanted to have them sort of come in and out, without repeating often, and I think overall it worked well. All 5 of the tracks are recorded from various instruments in Cypher2, the demo that I recently got from ROLI. It works a bit like Strobe2, which I have the full version of, but has all kinds of new sequencing and synth creation options, along with a whole different set of presets which are a lot of fun to explore and tweak. I tried to intermix some ambient, floaty stuff, with some plucky, more up front lines, and overall, I'm happy with the results. I'd like to play around with this some more, and see if I can't make it more interesting, so we'll see what happens!


weird direction pretty hard

Hahaha, you got that right! {LOL} It's definitely weird. The good is: I do like weird :) I hear all sort of instrument trying to play, but not able to. A trumpet or something. My mind is creating this visuals as if it is some street music machine, build be some not so ordinary handcraft person ( or team) and played fully automated.


haha there is actually a trumpet, i used
the tonetransfer (https://sites.research.google/tonetransfer) AI, input a full song, and asked it to turn it into a single trumpet
thats one of the weird samples, along with a violin and a cello from that same AI


D*rn interesting AI there 🎶🙃
