How to be calmer, healthier and less lonely


In order to feel whole and more connected to nature and all living beings, we have to make an effort - but it is an effort that definitely pays off. When we shift our focus from ourselves to the world around us, friends, needy, animals and the environment, we will feel more fulfilled and happier.


Here are some steps to connecting you to share with you:

1. Respect nature

If you view nature as an enemy force separate from you, you will live a life of discomfort and fear and take away the wonderful sources of spiritual refreshment.

Try to find you a unique way to connect to Earth. This can be a wilderness trip or lunch in the park, gardening or spending time with the animals.

The only important thing is to find a way to feel that you are part of nature and the circle of life.

2. Hang out with animals

Research shows that pet owners are less prone to illness and recover faster, are calmer and happier. Former prisoners who create a relationship with a pet are less inclined to return to the old way of life.

Pets will bring great joy to the owners, but remember that great responsibility comes with them, just like plants and human beings.

3. Don't be lonely

Man is not created to be alone. We are conceived as part of larger families, groups and tribes and need the intimate support of a true large family.

Unfortunately, today, people are becoming more and more lonely and do not have time to keep in touch with the whole family. Do not settle for it but expand your family boundaries.

4. Act in community

The meaning of community is the life and work of more people together with a common purpose and its strength comes from the realization that the whole is stronger and greater than the sum of its parts. The community is not created by itself, we must strive to create it in order to bear fruit in our lives.

It can be your neighborhood, sports team, church or social club. What makes it meaningful and valuable is your effort and fellowship in trying to make the world a better place.

5. Help

Selfless service involves giving (of) oneself to help others without expecting compensation. Every day, we are given many opportunities to reduce suffering or increase happiness for others, but our goal must not be to gain spiritual merit, increase our likelihood of going to heaven or admiring the community.

The purpose of service is to understand that we are all part of the whole and that the happiness of the individual is linked to the happiness of the community. The more you practice it, the happier and healthier you will be.


6. Feel the love

To love means to experience connection in its highest and purest form. People have a tendency to replace love with infatuation which can lead to many disappointments. Learning how to love takes time and effort, especially in a culture that is strongly focused on falling in love.

In intimate relationships that work, love is eventually replaced by mutual love, which only occurs if the partners are mature individuals committed to living together.

When you realize that there is an unlimited source of love in you that can be a blessing to anyone and everything around you, you will be able to create the best and strongest bonds in your life.

Posted via | The City of Neoxian


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