RE: BRO intends to incentivise readers and commenters from Outside hive


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Wrapping up everything into a single app without requiring the users to handle their keys themselves or even know that they're on Hive is the future. Lots of people are simply too lazy or too averse to anything new to bother to do that themselves. At best, they'e able to adopt this technology along with large crowds of other people. I've long since accepted that and will shamelessly rake in my early adopter rewards wherever I can. If you are active on Hive and have taken the time to understand the system, then you deserve what you're getting. It's the universe paying you money for not blindly following the herd. If you're the typical individual unwilling to leave his/her comfort zone or question the status quo even in this small way, you deserve nothing. That's the way the world works.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
