Sun Yuchen is Forcing us Into a Golden Age of Prosperity and Freedom


Folks that are familiar with my views know I strongly advocate personal adoption of means of producing goods suitable to individuals. I observe that the power of institutions derives from parasitization of myriads of individuals who are dependent on the massive pooling of capital to produce goods. When individuals themselves use modern decentralized means of production, the dependence on institutions, centralization, and industrial manufacturing ceases. The need to feed vampiric overlords has ended.

When people have threatened to starve the parasites waxing fat on their essence in the past, the dependence of that power on force has become obvious. Today the threat of violent oppression grows ever more dire on industrialized nations, even as the militaries of the world prey on less developed peoples incessantly. Those military forces are bloodied, practiced, ready to tackle the first world.

Their employers know well their worth, and expend almost unlimited funds to advance their capabilities beyond any constraint.

But we have examples of the fruits of personally possessing independent means. We cannot fail to grasp that wealth almost unimaginable has benefits we individually would enjoy, and neither deny the suffering penury and bondage would impose on us. Whether we grasp it or not, when bondage is actively imposed on us we will not fail to clearly understand.

Those that undertake to generate those benefits via independent means will thus enable their enjoyment of them and pass those blessings to their posterity, while those that do not will be relegated to bondage and suffering. Through the application of military force, the unwillingness of people to be enslaved will be overcome, and that includes those that have undertaken independent means - unless we personally manufacture resources to deploy modern security measures that prevent such force from taking possession of us.

Given that war generally seeks to seize resources, and populations are the most valuable of resources, the optimal mechanism for taking captives has been retained for the purpose, and armed thugs using firearms have been that standard for 1000 years. Within the jurisdictions of the armed forces, populations have been prevented from gaining independent means to date, to ensure the ability of the military to enable the flow of resources necessary to it's maintenance.

Such polities have a need for populations of slaves to provide for their military power. Competing jurisdictions are not similarly necessary to empower, from their perspective, and total genocide would be an acceptable, perhaps optimal, result of operations ongoing.

So, the obsolete deployment of armed thugs to pacify populations should not be relied on as the expected military aggression. Weapons suited to genocide, WMDs, may well be deployed by foreign competitors, by corrupted jurisdictions, and even by a global cabal selectively against all subject peoples, as long as enough survivors will be retained to provide enough slaves during the transition to a transhumanist technocracy automating production, which seems to be their goal.

Biological, chemical, and radiological weapons are best suited to genocide, and it is those threats suitable security should be attained against. For this reason I am not particularly exercised about the current pandemic threat and the mandate we be masked. This is but a warning shot across our bow, not the final solution, and we are now motivated to provide for our personal security from bioweapons. Clearly, governments aren't going to keep us safe, eh?

In fact, it is obvious historically that governments themselves are the worst vector of genocidal threats to their people, and the psychological weapons used to keep us subject that are the worst hazards we face, because they alone subject us to the threat of every other weapon deployed against us. It is no surprise censorship, demonetization, and seizure of our means of communication, cooperation, and social interactions are undertaking heavy attack today.

We have no lack of historical precedents of governments genociding their people selectively, nor of examples of current operations ongoing today. Such regulatory agencies as we have are captive to the industries they are intended to regulate, and we obviously should expect to provide our own personal security from the threats unregulated hostile actors can effectively apply.

It seems impossible for individuals to effect nominal security when global centralization of wealth enables industrial application of genocidal attacks with WMDs, but in truth there are means of defeating those vectors of attack relatively simple and inexpensive for individuals to deploy given means of production currently available.

We face war. We need armor. The present circumstances require we be masked, and it is often lamented that a bandanna across the face is inadequate to protect us from virii. Therefore improved respiratory security is necessary, and given the potential for radiological and chemical weapons to be used against us, we should be sure to extend the capabilities of our masks against those hazards in addition to preventing viral particles from entering our airways.

The standard tool for preventing these attacks from succeeding is a visored helmet with air filters. Since helmets also can be armored against projectile weapons, this should also inform design. Thingiverse is an example of how successful designs of security devices can be quickly and globally disseminated to individuals with manufacturing capabilities, and we can certainly gain such security independently given nominal tooling.

We need 3D printers with appropriate abilities, supplies of feedstock, and powered sites suitable for their use. In order to maintain such capabilities, we clearly need to secure food and medicine as well, and communications are critical to any society. Homes that produce these are presently non-standard, but often have been retrofitted to incorporate these features.

In a state of global war, these will become standard.

Independent means are the definition of wealth. It is the predatory violent attack on our free peoples that is necessitating we adopt them, the reason we can no longer depend on the centralized industrial supplies that have heretofore been our only source for our necessities.

The initial assault against humanity has begun. The application of censorship and voluntary arrest dependent on our indoctrination and psychological manipulation will not long survive the commencement of active violence, and we see already that forced DNA modification is being implemented, with relevant institutions coordinating that attack today.

Evolution is acting to separate those that will survive to breed from those that will be bred like cattle - or culled. We who secure our own prosperity will secure our posterity.

Extinction awaits the incompetent.

Sun Yuchen has enabled this post today by his rabid assault on our community, forcing Hive into existence. Fortunately his criminal actions are marked by utter incompetence, and our reaction has been easy to effect. It has impelled us to implement anti-censorship, cryptocurrency capable of economic independence, and social interactions that enable productive cooperation, better and less vulnerable to more competent assault (or it should be. Hive yet remains utterly susceptible to the exact Sybil attack that took down Steem).

The censoring of Steem is not a singular attack, but reflective of the ongoing censorship of all social media today. Financial attacks mirroring those Sun has undertaken on Steem have also long been possible to banks (which is why I don't use them), and the crappy propaganda Sun undertakes to promote Stinc is far surpassed in sophistication and effect in the enemedia, despite it's glaring lack of integrity.

The exigencies of war have perennially driven technological and social improvements, and the more dire the existential threat, the more improved we must make things. Given the unprecedented global breadth of the threat today, we must adapt at global scale, on an individual basis nominal to meet the threat. Them as don't aren't of consequence, as they won't persist to contemplate going forward. Evolution is a permanent solution to incompetence.

And we have Sun to thank for our motivation, to which so nimbly have we responded that the vast majority of our little swarm on Hive are in improved financial circumstances, and some few that have lately been individually singled out for predation have been protected from their assets being seized by Sun, so far anyway. We'll see, but I find it more likely that Sun will pay the price for his execrable performance as our conquistador by similar costs as borne by Harvey Weinstein than that he will take the money he tried to steal with HF 23.

While our current circumstances are novel in our understanding of history, I submit they are not unprecedented withal. Have a look at the following video, consider how proof of our present level of technological sophistication remains evident at various places across the world, and what that means in our present situation.

I think it means that the only way the power to oppress and enslave people was was able to be maintained by overlords was to bomb us back to the stone age, from which we have laboriously emerged over these last few millennia. I am confident overlords would prefer to maintain the quality of life that derives from modern advances, but such benefits were obviously impossible to maintain the last time we faced this opportunity to transcend their power.

We are about to see a change across the world from peace to war, and objections to wearing armor during peace will not apply soon. See what has been, and understand what will be.

Prepare accordingly. We do not go blindly forward, but have good advice, probative evidence, and sound principles upon which to found a robust society and civilization that delivers to our posterity that better world, even that called paradise by our forefathers.

Heaven itself, from horizon to horizon, from East to West, and farther than our eyes can see, awaits. The sky is no longer a limit to our dreams. Let us boldly go where new opportunities and inspirations await us, and leave the Earth to the meek.


That stonework itself could inspire religious fervor.


I suppose that was it's purpose. It certainly served those Pharaohs that found it just laying there in that endeavor for millenia. I'm about to do my kitchen counter in black and white marbles I have scrounged from leftovers from other jobs, and sadly, will be limited to but the tech we presently possess to do the fitting and installation. I won't have the ability to cut perfect 90 degree inside corners as the builders of the Serapeum possessed, but I'll make do.

Not that I ain't a bit jelly.


Hah, yeah I can’t figure that one out. Maybe they had a sonic sawsall...


Is Sun Yuchen = justine sun chinese american?


Yes. That is his actual name.


Senior @valued-customer, Japan had a war with the United States in the world war 2.
Currently, China is at war with the United States.
Japan was an island nation and was conquered by the United States, but China is a continent, so the United States cannot conquer it. So China is a tougher opponent than Japan.
China probably buys American warlords. Currently, the Korean ruling class, the media, broadcasting, culture, publishing, and education are all dominated by Chinese capital.
Sun Yuchen will also try to buy Americans.


All you say is true, but none of what you say will be true in ten years.

The more advanced technology is, the faster it becomes more advanced. Decentralization has been ongoing for some decades now. I became interested in Fablabs, as home manufacturing was called then, back in the '90s. 3D printers were ~$25k. It was an amazing economic challenge to industrial manufacturing requiring $millions. Today I am considering a Creality CR 10s, ~$500 with all the bells and whistles, plenty of feedstock, and a warranty. Also, people are constantly extending the kinds of things that 3D printers can do, and lately have managed to mount a MIG welder to a 3D printer so they can print with steel.


3D printers have been used to print with dirt, water (seriously printing potable water extracted from the air), mud, concrete, clay, plastics of various kinds, various metals, conductive inks, chemicals that enable drugs to be fabricated by printing, and living cells. Yeah, some people are working on printing new organs.

They've been used to print houses, solar panels, various machines made of plastic and metals, with circuits printed in, cloth... I don't even wanna keep going. There literally isn't a limit on what can be manufactured with 3D printers.

Do you remember when the iPhone came out? Cell phones became a whole new industry overnight. Cell phones have been around since the 1980s, but not until the iPhone did that massive adoption and revolution in the communications industry happen.

3D printers have been around since the '90s, and it's about the same amount of time since they came on the market as cell phones had when they boomed. 3D printers are about to become a major part of everyone's lives, and the catalyst will be when some new model comes out that can print machines including the metal parts and the circuits. We're still at a point where they're used for this or that, by hobbyists.

They're suddenly going to massively change how people get the things they need, and when they do, the corporations and institutions that depend on parasitizing masses of people dependent on them for goods will fall off a cliff, like Kodak did when digital cameras hit the market. You should look at a chart of Kodak stock price. That's what will happen across all the Daibatsus and empires like china practically overnight.

They will lose all their power and that power will be in the possession of the individual people that have been abused by institutions with that power all their lives. People will print guns, but those will be stupid people who do not understand modern security tech. More people will print microwave moats to fry anyone that comes to bust down their door with guns. Other people, more clever yet, will make stuff I won't name here, but that will be even more effective security than a moat of microwaves that keeps cops and gangs of every kind from banging on your door.

They'll make that stuff for cars too, and portable units they can wear.

I don't mention the best security mechanisms, because I want to make sure they work when I print them, and they won't if lots of people make them and the gangs of thugs use countermeasures. The neat thing about individual manufacturing of security devices is that lots of people will print lots of different things, and some people will make stuff no one else does, and all of them will keep gangs of thugs from projecting force without proper countermeasures.

The thugs can only carry so much stuff. If they gear up to get through microwave moats, they won't be geared up for other things, because they'd be too heavy to walk. It's the very decentralization of manufacturing that will be it's most effective contribution to security, by diversifying the obstacles thugs will need to overcome to oppress people.

China won't influence Korea much longer, and the USA won't be an empire either.

In 100 years people won't be able to believe such oppression and barbarism was even real. The very idea that someone else could use force to make you do stuff will be utterly inconceivable.

For the next ten years things are going to be difficult, because it's going to take time to reduce the flow of resources to institutions, mostly because of the harsh indoctrination, propaganda, and censorship most people suffer. Extreme hunger, violence, and enslavement cuts through that crap like a hot knife through butter, and those seem to be the kinds of things the overlords are intent on causing most people to suffer.

It will be hard, and people will hurt and die until they understand they need to take responsibility for their life, their wealth, and their survival.

Then we'll win.


I want your claim to come true.


It's easy to want the happy ending, but it's the bloody, screaming middle part that bothers me. I doubt I'll live long enough to see the happy ending.

Live long and prosper.


Respectable senior, I am a 45 year old Korean. I wish you good health and longevity.


Nice post. Gettin'/being autarkic is key, that's for sure.
But i hope we can leave the "visored helmet with air filters".
Did you mention water!? ;)
I think the ancient stones were cut and moved with cymatic techniques,
that is another thing we should develop/remember...Cymatics.


Many possibilities are potentially the solution to how this construction was done. The reason so many possibilities remain is that we are unable to construct things this way, and don't know how it was done. Cymatics, sonics, EMF, chemical solutions, combinations of some or all of these. We just dunno.

As to securing our physical environment from hazards, it is a fact that hazards exist, and chemical, biological, and radiological threats are increasingly threatened from hostile human actors. You can either pay me to protect you from all threats, foreign and domestic, or someone else you can't trust, or protect yourself. If you aren't protected, you may be lucky and not suffer such attacks.

No matter what you decide to do, you are the one who will decide what to do.

I reckon I do not trust the many hostile vectors for such assaults, and that I should secure my air, water, and food intake from them, as well as my community, home, and person from physical assault. Many of us presently are required to wear some kind of mask, whether that actually has potential to prevent viral ingestion or not. But whether such masks provide any security from virii, almost all masks protect us from facial recognition cameras, and this has become an ever growing threat to our privacy and security, both individually and as peoples.

This is the right time to add more functionality to masks, before they are again prohibited in public so that facial recognition cameras are useful investments again.



I get your point with protection.
But remember one of the oldest law of the universe...The Law of Attraction.
Considering this, i decided to concentrate myself minimum 65%, or better
80% on creating the new world (i wanna see).
Nevertheless you are right that we have to be prepared for "some stuff",
but i hope 20-35% of my energy/attention is enough for that, and i also
think creation carries more Love, and therefore the higher energy
(compared to fear)
"Fear or Love" by Luca1777 coming out soon ;)


When you are prepared for eventualities, you do not fear them. It is when you leave the vulnerability open that you know fear.

Dream in one hand of the things you want to see happen, and see if they come to you. I will build with both hands what I want to come about, and know the future I bring. A side effect of possessing individually the means of production of modern goods and services is that modern security technology is but part of that, and thugs armed with firearms have been obsolete for centuries.

Create your clean organic food with aquaponics rather than depend on Monsanto for your glyphosate drenched bugburgers. Build your home of the stones and soil of the site with your own 3D printer, rather than beg banksters for fiat to buy shacks of ticky tack. That same 3D printer will also make the open source hardware you can share your ideas with your society over uncensorable mesh networks on, and gain their insights and designs with as well.

Dreamers dream. Makers thrive. The laws of physics have no room for superstition like the law of attraction, nor worship of men, living or dead. We are the saviours we need, so we should get busy doing the saving with our hands, and more importantly, our friends.


All true what you say, and you got a lot of good ideas, if you start accepting the reality they planned for us.
And this is my point, i refuse what they planned for us, so i only "prepare" a little, and i have been preparing...
Governments need to get impeached worldwide starting this year.
Why should i play "their game"? Playing "their game" you could only lose (most probably).
Play a different game. Reach the heart of the federal judges and selected politicians who turn
against that Kabal and their politics.
In Berlin they will hand over a petition to the chancellor office today with press, that i signed.
If they ignore that, start organizing the impeachment.
Anyway i plan to be as self sufficient as possible for the future.
All the Best, Brother.
