Dealing With Dark Circles


Aside from oily skin, one big skin problem I am getting stressed about are dark circles. I have it since college but it worsen last year. One day I took a selfie and noticed the concave and dark lines under my eyes. I looked like an exhausted cute panda. 😏 I pity myself.

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They say, some of the causes of dark circles are lack of sleep and sleeping late. I do both. 😂 Although dark circles really began to reveal itself last year where I spent most of time on my phone. This have most likely stressed my eyes in addition to sleeping late. I really have trouble sleeping on time in the past two years and currently still fixing it.

However, there are ways to remove dark circles. The most popular I think is putting cucumbers but there are other plenty of ways to combat dark circles like applying retinol. But retinol seems expensive. I'm not sure. 😅 There's a cream I use before which is also effective in lightening dark circles but it's quite expensive too that's why I am looking for a cheaper alternative for the mean time. Then I found out about using cold spoon.

The cold spoon for dark circles is simple to follow. Dip the spoon in water and refrigerate for 10 minutes then apply the cold spoon on your dark circles for 10 minutes. I did this for the first time last night because I am already desperate to abolish the darkness. I don't know if it would work on me but it felt refreshing after. I then apply aloe vera gel after because I've also read that it helps in fixing skin discoloration and effective in removing dark circles. I've been applying aloe vera gel on my dark circles before though I have not been consistent that's probably why I haven't seen positive results.

I'll try to be consistent from now on (plus using cold spoon) and will post an update after a month maybe to see if there has been a change. I'll also lessen using my phone. Lol. But look who's using her phone to write and publish this post. What a joke! 😂 Just kidding. I will lessen my time now on mindlessly scrolling on my phone and only use it when composing and publishing posts for Steemit. 👼

How do deal with dark circles? I'd be glad to hear some easy alternatives!
