Time Isn't Money - It's Political Freedom


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The illusion of freedom is the biggest joke of the century. Except that it's not funny anymore. Who the fuck can dare pretend being free while living in a society ruled by the freakshow that is capitalism? The very concept of freedom has been wiped out of the picture ever since capitalism made its first entrance into this game. We have become voiceless. Powerless in the presence of this evil monster that has turned us into its slaves. So long as the monster will remain alive, we will be trapped in its claws, struggling to survive.

Using nice words to lure people in, our society tricked us into thinking that what we live in is called a democracy. Because having a minority pushing their self-interested agenda on millions of people is obviously so democratic. Sorry honey, I'm part of the Elite, a pretentious club for those who unlike you, are so rational that they are granted the privilege to decide what's best for everyone. It's like having someone say to you: " I don't know you. I could care less about you. But listen the fuck to me because I know what's best for you. "
Fuck me sideways, this is insanity!

The truth is that not much introspection can be done when you take away from people the almost entirety of their time. When people's main preoccupation is attempting to survive in such a system, you can be sure challenging the ethics of the very system they are trapped in doesn't "have time" to make it to their never-to-be-finished to do list of the day.


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You're back! :)

I think we did pretty well under capitalism. I think we have too much socialism and corporatism now. Also a lot of waste as well.
