Social Justice Or Censorship? Freedom Of Speech Or Communism?


The Lie Of Social Justice


In a time of covid-19 where the world is breaking apart, we have been granted the opportunity to see the flaws of our society tenfold. Using pretty words soaked in lies is a tactic of choice to keep us deeper asleep in our collective unconsciousness. Social justice is nothing more than a word full of empty meaning. The term needed to be tied to “social” to better confuse us on the extent of its application. Reminds me of the times when I’d bullshit my way through essays adding aesthetically pleasing words. Propaganda of words at its best.

People need to sleep at night, right? We may be forced to accept an oppressive capitalist paradigm on the regular, but the truth remains that we nonetheless show up at our jobs the next day and keep on consuming our free time away. Humans aren’t the sole ones to mask their inferiority behind a facade of superiority. Fancy concepts function the very same way. Social justice can justify its corrupted nature on any given day in the name of “social justice”. All harm is permitted when it stands for the cause of social justice. Evil can be done on any given day when it hides behind the banner of social justice.
