Reciprocated Kindness.


Hello friends, it is a beautiful morning over here, so permit me to say good morning to you.
It's been a while I wrote something here and that is because I have been so so busy, but I am grateful for good health.


What I want to share with you today is something that bothers me greatly and I wonder how people reason about life.
I strongly believe that an act of kindness should be reciprocated, but that is not always the case for a lot of people who find it as a big deal to show kindness of any sort.


There is a young man in our neighbourhood who usually run his generator as a result of the absence of adequate light in the community, whenever he puts on his generator, his room is usually flooded with phones and other chargeable items, but the most surprising part is that none of the people who goes there to charge their phones, ever inform him of the presence of light, so he could put off his generator and save fuel.

The most surprising part of the story is that, he has a friend who equally puts on his generator as well, but whenever he observes the presence of light, he goes there to infirm his friend, a simple act of reciprocation would have been expected from his friend, but it does not happen.
His friend will simply put off his own generator and quietly watch him burn his fuel.
This is just a simple illustration amongst several cases of un reciprocated kindness.

It is a necessity to show kindness to the people around you, you do not have to be bitter or angry towards another human, on your own part be good, so says the good book.

On another note, I have learnt not to expect that people are kind to me, if you keep waiting for an act of kindness before you act kind, it might never happen.
So either your friends, your neighbours or even families try to act in the opposite way, on your own part, try to be kind.

Do have an amazing Sunday, I am tobi. Stay blessed and beautiful.


Hello tobiloba I can totally relate with ur post as a nigerian..I have always been thought while growing up to be kind to others regardless of how they treat me..I hope the friend get to realise that is not the best way to live life..great to meet you on this name is bukky and i am from Nigeria
