Sometimes it just gets too much



We all grow up with our big dreams of what we want to become in the near future, the things we will like to achieve and things we will want to do. For many, it remains a dream because they never get to live these dreams, while others who set out to live their dreams end up failing to do so. A small number finally get there under very difficult and challenging situations. What am I driving at in particular? I am driving to the point that in life, if you must get there, sometimes it will not be easy.

It might start out so nice and comfortable but sooner or later you will encounter the difficulties and challenges that come with that particular road. The question is how will you handle them when they come? Do you stand and face them? Or you turn back and run away from them?
These are some of the questions we must ask ourselves before committing to anything. As a kid, we all thought of landing big jobs that pay the highest bills at the end of the month but we never thought of the challenges or what it actually takes to get there.

We never even gave it any thought if we love what we were planning to venture in. All we thought at that time was what that particular line of work can bring to our pockets and that was the beginning of our failures if we eventually carried that same mentality as adults. When you engage in anything because of the wrong reasons, you will not be able to stand the pressure, the difficulties or challenges that will eventually come. To handle this challenges, you need a strong motivational factor to give you strength and back you up. The best I can think of is your passion and love for whatever it is.


If you never loved say the job you ventured in, then you will surely be shattered when challenges come knocking. In school, I really love what I am studying but sometimes it's just so hard that I begin to doubt my passion for it. I even ask myself if I made a mistake to choose it in the first place. But even with all these questions, I still press on because I love it and will like to succeed in it. My motivation is my passion and love for it. Sometimes when it just gets too much, I think about the future and how enjoyable it will be when I have mastered the craft and become a full professional.

It encourages me to learn more and to keep calm and focused even if people think otherwise Sometimes it really gets too much and it just feels like the life is being choked out of you by the external pressure and fear of failure.It is never easy to handle such moments but we know nothing good comes easy. For that which is gotten easily is of little worth. But that which is gotten from hard work and years of dedication, struggling is cherished and most valuable. Be encouraged to keep moving on even if it gets so hard that you can barely move. Encourage yourself and be strong.

Always remember why you started in the first place and from where. Look at how far you have gone and the things that you have accomplished so far. Let them encourage you to keep going and sooner than you think, it will all be over. I always dream of the day when I will sit a happy, successful family man and look back at all the memories of my struggles and hardships. How they molded me to become a better man and to drive me to my destiny. Embrace the hardship for they come to prepare you for better days. There are better days ahead and all you need to do is try to get there.

Keep going....


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