Aliens-Extra Terrestrials Do Exist!!


Hey everyone, according to World Renown Traumatologist Dr, Steven Greer they do exist and apparently, he has met many, on many occassions. According to Dr. Greer they are all about peace, but however are very concerned about our perpetual and insatiable hostility...

This pic below taken from one of his documentaries. ET's range from a foot in height up to over ten feet he says!

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I recently watched an almost 2 hour interview on an epic youtube channel 'valuetainment' with Dr, Steven Greer, check that out here, it is literally mind blowing :

all about UFO's and ET's with proof.

He basically also promoted a few of his self directed documentaries which I am currently watching aswell, the first called 'Unacknowledged" very eye opening indeed.

Which begs the question do you believe in UFO's, ET's etc? I for one certainly do, I guess I always have! Watch the doccies, it certainly is an eye opener!

Love and light, be blessed!

