Life in different shapes


Hello friends, hope you are all doing great? Well, I am in this part of the world. Another time of job hunting for me, hopefully I get to share some good news soon.

While thinking about plans to put in place as I start my hunt for a job, thoughts on how funny and amazing life is, in relating to us as humans was just running through my head. Life is in different phases, it could either make you or mar you. So I would love to share two things with you all today....

  • Insatiable Want

Image by Dark Workx at

Have you ever wished for something? And fortunately you got your hands on it, as soon as you do.... You just can't help but wish for more. Say for instance you have an occasion coming up and you need a dress which you do not have. As you pass by a boutique, you saw this beautiful dress, you just it to be yours as you already imagined how perfect it would be on you, but the price tags rings expensive!! So you just let it go.

Surprisingly, later that day someone gifted you with that same dress.... One would be so thrilled. Now you got your dress right? But as you dress up in your new and beautiful dress, it then dawned on you that the shoes you had wasn't going to be great with the dress.... at that moment what do you do? You wish you could just have nice shoes to go with the dress...hehehe funny but true.

There are times I just pray for a particular amount of money to do a particular thing and when the exact amount I prayed for comes, I would be like.... Thank God for this money but how I wish It could have been more so I can use it for maybe other things lol well is it just me?

  • Change

Image by Tumisu at

Believe it or not people change irrespective of if they want to or not. Most change in people are crafted by what they are going through or what they went through. You see someone you once knew as a rich person before because of some unforeseen circumstances now poor would have gone through some changes. He no longer thinks feels good about the economy, he gets angry more easily or he now tends to blame everyone for his problem.

Change could come as a loss or an addition, you could either gain or lose.... Which is why I love this saying "be careful how you treat people today, they might be a saving grace for you tomorrow, no one knows tomorrow". That which may seem so important today may not be as important tomorrow.. But then again what is life without change? It makes life more interesting and unpredictable. It's only left for us to face the changes as it comes and be at the top of our game not to be caught on the wrong side of change..

Thanks for reading.....

Image from: Bitmoji


There is also another old saying "be careful what you wish for," because it could come with unintended consequences as well!
Very true and accurate post @bliss11


Good luck with the job hunt.


Thank you so much, do have a lovely day.


Thanks for sharing your experience with us!

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be careful how you treat people today, they might be a saving grace for you tomorrow, no one knows tomorrow

That's so true! I was laid off a few years ago. To say it was stressful is an understatement. I was angry! Yet, I understood that it was a business decision, not personal, and spent some time thanking my former-VP and Director for the time and opportunity. They ended up being instrumental in helping me find my next position just a couple weeks later. I'm positive they would not have even bothered if I was just angry at them.

Good luck in finding a job! Hopefully all will work out for you very soon.


That's life for you @wwwiebe, as for the job hunt hopefully it will work out well. Thanks for dropping by, have a great week ahead.😃
