After 27 consecutive months ... My first month in the blue



Since December 2018, I didn't know what it was like to end a month in the blue. Since then everything has gotten worse and I have never been able to go a month without "duty" anymore. Of course, in the beginning there were few things, but that year it increased, but the peak was in 2020 with the pandemic. All this with investments and bets that I did for things that didn't happen, mainly with traditional work. So "working" for others is never the best way to make your own future.

With the pandemic, many things I stopped paying, mainly for cards. I had only been paying some and normal daily things to keep me active and working, especially with my business. At the beginning of this year, sales dropped, which was normal, but it got worse with the issue I already reported about my country's bureaucracy.
But in March I met HIVE, I was active in Steemit before and stopped writing before all this happened here and then I had no idea.

It is true that much of the values ​​that helped me pay my bills came from what I had on balance in the steemit, what I had in HIVE, the LEO Tokens I reinvested here. Only a few that I ended up actually selling.
Another thing that helped me a lot was the appreciation of POB, this is certainly one of the main ones that has helped me now. My goal is to stake as much of all currencies as possible. I intend to take only a smaller percentage that pays my cost of the month, which now putting the month in blue, each month tends to be lower. And the sales figures that I make from my two businesses, I will use this money to continue reinvesting. Until such time that I can be self-sustaining both here and in my sales.

This is just a report from a happy and very grateful guy for having found it all here again.
Soon another month comes, and the currencies are falling at the moment, so I know that my work will have to be much more intense, but in any case the future will be much better, that I know.

Thanks ;)



Desde Dezembro de 2018 que eu não sabia o que era fechar um mês no azul. De lá para cá tudo piorou e nunca mais tinha conseguido passar um mês sem "dever" mais. Claro que no início foram poucas coisas, mas que ao decorrer daquele ano aumentou, mas o ápice mesmo foi em 2020 com a pandemia. Tudo isso com investimentos e apostas que eu fiz por coisas que não aconteceram, principalmente com o trabalho tradicional. Por isso "trabalhar" para os outros nunca é a melhor forma de fazer o seu próprio futuro.

Com a pandemia muitas coisas eu deixei de pagar, principalmente de cartões. Eu só vinha pagando alguns e coisas normais do a dia para que eu continuasse ativo e trabalhando, principalmente com os meus negócios. Esse inicio de ano as vendas deram uma caída, o que era normal, mas se agravou com a questão que eu já relatei da burocracia do meu país.
Mas em março eu conheci HIVE, eu já fui ativo antigamente do Steemit e parei de escrever antes de tudo isso acontecer aqui e então eu não fazia ideia.

É bem verdade que muito dos valores que me ajudaram a pagar minhas contas vieram do que eu tinha em saldo no steemit, o que eu tinha em HIVE, os Tokens LEO eu reinvesti aqui dentro. Apenas poucas que eu acabei realmente vendendo.
Outra coisa que me ajudou muito foi a valorização do POB, esse é com certeza um dos principais que tem me ajudado agora. Minha meta é dar stake o máximo possível de todas as moedas. Pretendo tirar apenas uma porcentagem menor que pague meus custo do mês, que agora colocando o mês em azul, cada mês tende ser menor. E os valores das vendas que eu faço dos meus dois negócios, usarei desse dinheiro para continuar reinvestindo. Até o momento que eu possa ficar auto sustentável tanto aqui quando nas minhas vendas.

Esse é apenas um relato de um cara feliz e muito agradecido por ter encontrado tudo isso aqui novamente.
Logo vem outro mês, e as moedas estão caindo no momento, então eu sei que meu trabalho terá de ser muito mais intenso, mas de qualquer forma o futuro será muito melhor, isso eu sei.

Obrigado ;)



It's always nice to see Hive, Leo and other communities on this blockchain changing people's lives. We are building real value here and the sky is the limit of what we can accomplish.

Congratulations on your first "blue month" and may many more come!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


It's always nice to see Hive, Leo and other communities on this blockchain changing people's lives.

It really is. This is what it is all about. We are trying to erect a new system that helps as many people as possible. To start, we have to help people meet some of their basic bills.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta



Ao mesmo tempo que lido com as contas aqui de fora, eu tento ainda aumentar meus poderes de LEO, HIVE e POB principalmente. Além do CINE que é outro que quero ter 200 em stake

E tenho conseguido, e isso é ainda melhor quando se pensa e analisa.


Com toda certeza! Isso fará uma diferença enorme daqui a algum tempo, quanto esses tokens estiverem com um alto valor no mercado!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


That is very important to share.

We are glad that Hive is helping you out your time of difficulty. There is a lot of opportunity here and you are, obviously, taking advantage of that.

This is a great way to enhance your holdings while also generating a nice stream of income.

Keep going and telling others about what you achieved.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta



I want to share and inspire others as well. Just as I love and love to read the story of others here.

Thanks for the support!


I am glad that HIVE is making your life easier and congratulations on the "blue month".

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


This is what we are trying to do isn't it?

We are having an impact on people around the world. It is not all about Lambos and Mansions.

Sometimes it is about putting food on the table or making the rent.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta



It helped me and now it has given me a better perspective for the future.


I would suggest not cashing out everything. Over time if you stake some of your earnings, you can earn a consistent income without having to rely on others. You can get this in curation rewards or buy some investment tokens on HE for dividends.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Mas eu não tenho sacado tudo não. Tenho dado Power UP nas principais tribos
Apenas retiro uma porcentagem.


Poxa... Que ótimo ler isso, dude!

Desse mês em diante, espero que os saldos sejam sempre azuis.
