Pandemic Of Injustice – Playing Russian Roulette With The Justification Clause



Who’s running the world?

Fake Justice and Fake Science.
Can the Real fucking slim shady please stand up?
Shitstorm is over, JudgeBrina is taking over.
Innocent until proven guilty? Fake Justice. Fake Science. You both have been found guilty of 1st degree murder. Sentenced to life in prison. No possibility of parole. I’ll say it louder for the people in the back. NO POSSIBILITY OF PAROLE.

The funny (ugly) thing about Law is that it can always get away with shit. It gets an automatic free pass because of it’s pretentiousness. The Law is just like the narcissist – self-absorbed and blindsided by its delusional grandiosity.

The "reasonable person", a personal favorite of mine. Law’s construct of choice. What would a reasonable person do in this situation? Give me a break. Is there such a thing as a reasonable person in our world? Nobody abides by the strict rules of impartiality. Law is a far fucking cry from being neutral. It’s all about serving the interests of the ones that live in their castles up in the sky.

The justification clause can bypass laws that are supposedly meant to protect the different (fake) kinds of rights that are granted to us on a (fake looking) silver plate. There’s a few conditions that need to be respected for the justification clause to be put into place, one of them being that the positive effects that will come out of the application of this clause will surpass the negative effects of taking away our fundamental rights. The means used to restrict our rights have to be rational in that they have to be in line with the objective of the clause.

What is going on in our world right now shows just how much our whole system is fucking fucked. (No I won’t fucking put 25 cents in the cuss jar) Pandemic of injustice because the most vulnerable people in society are the ones that are suffering the most from this. Their voices have been silenced their whole lives and yet again they are reminded by society that their best interest just don’t match society’s best interest, therefore, they are left (yet again) to themselves in the dark. To put it bluntly, the best interest of the vulnerable is at best a joke to society’s eyes.

The strategies (if you even want to call it that) put into place by the government are schizophrenic at best. There’s no cohesion to be found. Zero. You can do outdoor activities in a group of 4 people, but you can’t walk outside on your own after 8pm. Freedom of movement? Yeah scratch that one too. People are already on the edge, now you are putting into place the perfect conditions for them to jump off the cliff.

What happens after you have a heated discussion with your spouse and you want to go take a walk to get some clarity and a bit of space to let things cool off? You stay the fuck inside and find a (nonexistent) way to deal with the rising tension. Or even better, you plan your fights ahead and make sure they don’t happen after 8pm.

This is one example of one particular situation. Now multiply that one example by the number of people to whom this situation applies to and multiply the number of other (similar or not so similar) situations that are doomed to happen in such a context, and sit back and (try) to enjoy seeing your life crash in front of your eyes. The lives of millions of people are at play here. Very intentional choice of word here, this is nothing less than a game of Russian roulette.

Domestic violence is on the rise, opioid overdoses are on the rise, financial difficulties are on the rise, eating disorders are on the rise, mental health issues of all sorts are worsening, only to name a few. Anyone who knows me knows I’m all about the use of empathy. But if you don’t use empathy wisely – you may want to rethink your strategy. Deprive someone of human connection for long enough, and chances are they will let themselves die. This is not Sab speaking. The data is doing all the talking.
