Corporate Antichrist


"Be always sure you are right, then go ahead."--Davy Crockett

While men live we ourselves reckon the right of things and act according to our judgment. Nothing can restrain nor remove that sole authority granted us by the fact of our human existence, and neither our duty to our fellows and responsibility for our acts. We thus have both right and duty to act as we see fit, and stand accountable to ourselves and our peers for our actions in a merciless universe.

Agreements among men, trusts, and creeds are effected by them, and thus individually and severally they are accountable for the affects thereof. If you and I agree to rob another, even drafting up and recording a contract to that effect, we are not absolved thereby of our personal guilt for our conspiracy, nor for the robbery should we meet our contractual obligations and commit it.

Corporations are not people. They are agreements, and as such do not absolve the directors, officers, agents, electors, beneficiaries, assigns, nor any party to the corporate agreement or effector of it's acts, from their personal and several liability for those acts.

Injustice is inequity according to, and this is the most common feature of governance today: the assumption of human rights by such corporate agreements to the immeasurable harm and detriment of actual people, both by allowing criminal offenses to assume the color of law, and failing to render to justice the individuals liable for those crimes.

Rather than justice, our governments have become the most dangerous and offensive vectors of crime and harm to sovereign free people through the fiction of corporate personhood. We observe that from earliest history, emerging from misty dawn of mankind, humanity has from time to time undertaken the necessary rectification of regulation. Injustice has always corrupted government, and peoples have been serially destroyed as their nations paid the exact price necessary to restore justice in the world.

We measure the bones of the dead in the dust and wonder what they did, but the reckoning of their acts remains a mystery to us though physical reality correctly accounts every deed. Reality cannot falsely equate. Physics is mathematically rigorous, and reality only seems inequitable to we who cannot calculate it's factors.

In reality injustice is answered by equity because physics isn't based on our musings or speculations, but is the real universe in exact mathematical rigor. You may not be able to do the calculation, but the universe cannot fail to correctly resolve. Engineers sketch devices and calculate how they will perform, but the actual devices constructed will exactly perform as the real parts mandate, not the speculations of the engineers.

It is the nature of the beast that it slyly insinuates and arrogates to itself the rights of human persons in order to detriment, harm, and destroy for illicit profit. Humanity must right it's course or founder on the hazards thereof. In view of the ubiquitous and overwhelming nature of the harms and detriments today effected by corporations it is time to right our course as peoples, races, and species, even of that immortal life we are each part of, descending from the first living thing and proceeding through our forebears unto our posterity in an unbroken chain of living organisms we effect during our moments under the sun.

History reveals that corporations were instituted in order to create benefits to people, the crown, investors, and the public severally and personally. Yet over the centuries corporations have usurped our sacred humanity and claimed the powers and rights people alone possess, thereby perverting our law and governments to spawn injustice and profane our honor for the profit of investors.

It is not convenient, simple, or easy to reckon our personal and several liability justly, but it is necessary to each and all of us to acknowledge that reality, or fall short of our obligations and duty to each other and ourselves.

It is become existentially imperative to secure and bestow justice, not only to ourselves individually and severally, but to that sacred living organism of which we are all part, whose continuity is now threatened across the biosphere, and the illimitable posterity we will deliver across the breadth of the universe impossible to undertake, unless we institute effective regulation and rectify governance unto justice. Human reach exceeds it's grasp under unjust government, and only justice correctly solves the physical equation that is the universe that we might firmly seize the day.

Your authority and liability are not theoretical, severable, nor dependent in any way on anything or person but you yourself. It is an inherent feature of every person, born with us, and grown to fruition as we attain to natural majority. It is immediate, imperative and righteous. There is no excuse for any lapse in our conduct of our duty to ourselves and our people. There are circumstances and justifiable actions necessary therefore, even that require executive action to prevent crimes and injustice against our peers and persons and empower them to undertake their rights and lives fully. No theory, creed, nor agreement reduces or removes in any way our actual right or duty to effect just government at all times.

Trees rot back into soil, and stone is washed away as sand, but each moment of our lives is immutable, unable to be scrubbed away or stolen, the consequences ineluctably bearing our guilt or honor. The universe is mathematically exact.

You are humanity, a person. Sacred right and duty inure to you injustice rends and usurps. No words, theories, or agreements abrogate that actuality you feature.

Live justly today. Live to the fullness of your strength, assuming your just power to govern yourself and your people. More is predatory, and less enslavement. Neither meets the standard to which all are held, and hold all others to by that metric reality exerts withal.

You do not act for others, except as we severally are humanity and mutually alive, and none act for you to execute your duties or exercise your personal rights. Your humanity and sovereignty cannot be severed from you in theory because it cannot be severed from you in actuality. Your rights and responsibilities are an inherent feature of your existence, actualizing your honor or guilt immediately and irrevocably upon your execution of your judgment.

Live that way.

Live real life.

I will not here wax prophetic and conjure spirits, but physics rigorously balances every equation in the universe. You may not be able to calculate the equation, but reality consists of equal and opposite reactions to every action. Reality is mathematically exact. Your rights, honor, and justice are real, and the physical universe cannot miscalculate the consequences of your actions. I am confident there is more to what we look at than we see.

You are what you eat, but you are far more than just food. You can suck down nutriloaf in a cell or feast in good company. What do you choose?

Life is real and actual.

Really live.

"When the power of love is greater than the love of power, then there will be peace."--Jimi Hendrix


My respected senior, is the news that the number of corona deaths in the U.S. currently reaches 400,000? Will you get the coronavirus vaccine?

Currently, East Asia is competing to occupy the semiconductor market through alliances with Google and Intel of the United States.
The conglomerates in Korea, Japan and Taiwan aspire to be part of the US's global corporate empire.
In particular, large corporations in Korea, Japan and China are eager to acquire US capital and technology in order to occupy the electric vehicle market in China.

Warlords and Overlords from Korea, Japan and China want to own a global empire like Bill Gates from the United States.

Unfortunately, they are unlikely to know and accept your fine ideas and beliefs.


I have undergone somewhat of a change in circumstances. I do not know what the news regarding coronavirus deaths in the US is at all. I have put my attention to more substantial matters, loved and lost, built and destroyed, gained lucre and suffered thefts and fraud.

In short, I have been busy living rather than reading about the lives of others, and so my post is regarding my thoughts on recent history and not current events.

As to wannabe overlords in the East and the West, many began down their paths early in life, and simply keep on acting based on the beliefs they absorbed as children rather than carefully often considering what is best and right for them. It is a difficult thing to deeply consider one's core beliefs, and few undertake it with rigor because of the terrible consequences our false beliefs have produced and the grief we experience when we honestly come to terms with superable facts.

I have never done anything harder. Having come through that fire, I now live intentionally, rather than on autopilot, and cannot more strongly recommend to each and all that boon.

I hope the captains of industry come to terms with their humanity, but I do not expect it.

Thank you for your long patience while I sorted things.

To answer your direct question, I will not willingly be vaccinated. If I decide I should be, I have long ago posted regarding how individuals can manufacture their own vaccines, and be confident of their contents, and I can do that if I find it advisable. Presently I do not.

Be well!


"affected" "the effects"
I was thinking about how they want people to wear masks that are harmful to them just to give the appearance to others that they are compliant with whatever they are told. I have to do what is best for me, I am not going to risk halitosis, acne or tooth decay for someone else's health theater.


I have a bushy mustache that turns into a condenser when I am masked. I sometimes need to mask up for work, to spray paint, and it's always a miserable experience.

I am extremely fortunate in my situation in a tiny village on the sea coast. Old fishermen are world weary and wise, and the mask thing is more observed in the breach here, as it should be.

I will not live forever, but I hope to die breathing the open air as we were made to do.



The real root of this evil is the legal removal of liability from the acting agents who function within the framework of that entity. As you say, the individual actors are ultimately responsible for their own behavior, but the legal system has been corrupted in such a way that the corporation has been granted legal personhood and the ability to be charged with criminal activity. The absurdity of this becomes obvious when you ask the question, how do you throw a corporation in jail or otherwise seek retribution from it? The only two options are dissolution or the extraction of money from it. Since these corporations are cash cows for the government, money is the usual approach, extracting some now and leaving the entity intact so that more money can be extracted from it in the future. As a result, the responsible people aren't really held accountable and the cost in dollars gets passed on to shareholders and employees who may have had nothing to do with the bad behavior.

Prices also go up for consumers, meaning even more value can be extracted at the point of sale through consumption taxes, and the price inflation makes it possible for more money printing and the ability to continue servicing the debt-fueled atrocities here and around the globe. The responsible individuals may even get to keep their jobs, or just go do the same job somewhere else, but there are no real consequences, and they may even gain status among their peers in the process. I would think that at the very least, social ostracism would be in order for such predators, but we can't even get that these days. We should stop referring to it as the criminal justice system because that would be an insult to justice. It's just the criminal system.

As usual @valued-customer, it's a pleasure reading your thoughts. Thanks for posting.


I am glad my views aren't singular, and deeply appreciate your substantive comment. Today governments are corporations, so it's blatantly apparent that human rights and authorities are usurped and profaned as a matter of course and fact.

Throughout history myriad examples of seemingly permanent manners of business drastically changing abound, and folks that think 'it's always going to be like this' could not be more wrong. It is to address this way of thinking that I bring physics into the matter, because the universe calculates exactly the appropriate reaction to every act.

Sooner than later, as our ability to understand complex matters improves due to information tech, the horrible criminal regulation we are burdened with today will be rectified, and those folks will be astounded.

I expect the sons of my sons to wag their heads in wonder at the barbarity of the present day.

I await that transformation, abating my breath. I hope to see such days in company as good and honest as your comment reveals.




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Corporations are not people. They are agreements, and as such do not absolve the directors, officers, agents, electors, beneficiaries, assigns, nor any party to the corporate agreement or effector of it's acts, from their personal and several liability for those acts.


I just wanted to drop by and say read 2 books. BeWare the World to Come.

Over two thousand years ago the self-styled "Sons of Light" declared war on the seventy nations of the world, whom they call the "Sons of Darkness". Hundreds of millions of lives have been lost in this conflict. The Sons of Light believe the contest will only be won when they utterly exterminate the Sons of Darkness. It will never be lost as long as one of the Sons of Light remains to carry on the fight. The war is mostly fought through deception. Only the Sons of Light know that they are engaged in this endless battle. The Sons of Darkness see the bodies piling up, but search in vain for their enemy, who is as subtle and sly as a holy serpent. Ultimate victory will mean the conquest of the entire Earth. It is close at hand for the Sons of Light. But the war continues and either side may yet win. If the Sons of Light are discovered, all of humanity will be saved. Within this book the battle plans and beliefs of the Sons of Light are revealed for the first time for all to see. The Sons of Light have tricked the Sons of Darkness into worshiping Satan, whom they believe is an androgyne composed of the demons Lilith and Samael. The gods of the Sons of Light are also androgynous. Their names are Ein Sof, Shekinah and Yahweh. The Sons of Light are planning to create a Utopia when all is won and all is lost. In it, every human being will be a perfect hermaphrodite with two faces. They will also be immortal and have no need to endure the pain of the cycles of birth, life and death, so there will be no more children and no more death. All the silver, gold and treasure will be theirs and technology will provide their robotic slaves. Since the Sons of Light are all righteous, and since the Sons of Darkness will have passed away together with their dark gods, divine light, peace and harmony will rule the Earth for one thousand years after which all will be complete.

Yahweh to Zion.

There is no question of the extraordinary gifts and achievements of the Jewish people and of their enormous contribution to American culture and intellectual life. Also, we all know that Zionists play a large role in United States in the media, in finance, and in international policy. In addition we know that there is rather tight censorship with respect to what may be said about these matters without ad hominen response. The fact of Gentile crimes against Jews throughout history is used to justify this censorship, much, but not all, of which is self-imposed. In my view, through their role in this censorship, Jews are paving the way for the rise of anti-Jewish feeling and perhaps much worse. This book may be simply dismissed as anti-Jewish, but it would be far better to engage it in a scholarly, rather than an ad hominem, way. Instead of discouraging scholars from considering the evidence of Jewish crimes, I wish that Jewish scholars would support freedom of inquiry and explain their reasons for disagreeing in open discussion. Otherwise those of us who seek uncensored truth may be misled by errors and exaggerations in what is usually hidden from us and is presented only at the margins of our society. Much in this book is offensive to Christians and Muslims as well as to Jews. As a Christian, however, I find the offense to be a stimulus to fresh thinking and repentance. What is selected to be said about us is certainly not the inclusive truth. But it has its truth, and the truth it has should not be neglected. –John B. Cobb, Jr., founding co-director, Center for Process Studies Cutting against the grain of today’s Judeo-Christian confusion, which is so emblematic of our fearful, submissive era, Laurent Guyenot dares to take up the Jewish question, complex and explosive as it is, from the perspective of a conscientious yet fearless historian. –Alain Soral, founder, Égalité et Réconcilation A profound historical study of Judaic exceptionalism. It identifies the cultural and religious roots of Jewish power and Zionist hegemony. Laurent Guyénot’s understanding of Jewish religion is mind blowing. This book is essential for the understanding of Jewish politics. –Gilad Atzmon, author, The Wandering Who?

Both written by Jews. I think they expose the key we all have been missing.

I no longer follow any organized faith or written religion.


"I no longer follow any organized faith or written religion."

I believe you grow in wisdom, and the above statement reveals fruit of that wisdom. I cannot recommend to you what I have endured to attain to my own understanding, but am confident your own will serve you nominally as you honestly consider facts and dispel falsehoods.

You show you have already undertaken a difficult test of your faith above, and your integrity has gained you understanding that will elude lesser men.

Should you never learn more, you have achieved more than most men will even conceive possible.

Regarding Judaism and Zionism, it is my belief that Jews are used as cover by Zionists, and but few Jews are aware of it. There are nonetheless Jews that declaim the State of Israel and do not disingenuously accuse it's critics of anti-Semitism.

We that know Zionists - not Jews - are the primary promulgators of racism, anti-Semitism, degeneracy and identitarianism of every stripe and kind are few, but right even so. Still many Jews are indoctrinated by Zionists, just as are many Gentiles, and they are used as both cannon fodder and living hostages to shield those that have deceived them.

Thanks for your understanding and the addition of your personal insight here.


Dear my respected senior @valued-customer, How are you? What is the current situation in the US? Will you not get the coronavirus vaccine?,-a-film-about-corruption-in-Christian-churches-asks-Where-are-you-going-32944.html,-Yoido-mega-church-pastor-sentenced-30377.html

"I no longer follow any organized faith or written religion."

I agree with this sentence.
Korean christian church is corruption.

Ps: Senior @valued-customer, Could you critque my articles?😄


Alas, it would be difficult to have any grasp of recent Korean political history without being aware of the parasympathetic corruption of religion. Government and church seem comparable to parasites that each host the other, but both feed on hopelessly indoctrinated and profanely subjugated sovereign people.

My friend, my life is in turmoil. I am unable to commit to close attention to anything beyond Mazlow's hierarchy presently. I wish I was at liberty to deeply absorb and understand the many posts from you and other brilliant folks I follow here, but I have not been able to log in since the last day I posted, due to the demands of the events that seem preternaturally planned to disrupt any plans I make.

People I dearly love are dying while I work 12 hour days seven days a week. I am broken by my helplessness, but work harder at what I can do, because were I idle the press of industry would not occupy my mind, and I would have to face my naked grief.

I assure you I would like nothing more than to consider and reflect upon your carefully researched and well thought posts, but today I wager all I am to defeat enemies certain to prevail. Death conquers all.

Withal, my present circumstance reveals that I am utterly unnecessary to anyone or to achieve any good thing.

Your competence suffices to surmount the challenges you face. I have great confidence in you. I am proud to have been able to read some of your thoughts, and count myself amongst a fortunate few to have been so blessed contemporaneously, but a drop in the trickle that presages the flood of good people that will benefit from them in due time.


Edit: My beloved friend recently got vaccinated and his health has declined precipitously unto the verge of death.

I will not. I intend to die as little different from the man I was born to be as I can. Providence has formed me as I am, and I will trust that to the exclusion of corrupt corporations and covert enemies of life.


My friend, my life is in turmoil. I am unable to commit to close attention to anything beyond Mazlow's hierarchy presently. I wish I was at liberty to deeply absorb and understand the many posts from you and other brilliant folks I follow here, but I have not been able to log in since the last day I posted, due to the demands of the events that seem preternaturally planned to disrupt any plans I make.

People I dearly love are dying while I work 12 hour days seven days a week. I am broken by my helplessness, but work harder at what I can do, because were I idle the press of industry would not occupy my mind, and I would have to face my naked grief.

Perhaps you are in a very difficult and busy situation! 😯

Edit: My beloved friend recently got vaccinated and his health has declined precipitously unto the verge of death.

I will not. I intend to die as little different from the man I was born to be as I can. Providence has formed me as I am, and I will trust that to the exclusion of corrupt corporations and covert enemies of life.

That is a tragic event. I wish your friend's health restored!
I always wish you health and happiness!


My friend lives, and is recovering. I very much appreciate your personal consideration of my travails and your good wishes. I remain overworked and underpaid, so all seems to be proceeding normally despite I am pressed sorely for time.

Be well!


My respected senior, I am grateful that your friend has recovered health.
I wish you health, longevity and happiness.
You will have a lot of wisdom and experiences to teach me in the future!


Hope you are well, my old friend. They don't make em like they used to!
