Its impossible to ban porn when its posted on an IPFS.



Steemit would be a perfectly good place for people to get around this especially if they pay attention to getting their own IPFS nodes cooked up and understand how to pin the files they post.


Especially with @dporn being a thing on here.


Right! Ha! Dporn is gonna be great. I'm definitely not going to be hitting on the girls of dporn though.


Glad that you think so.


Oh your gonna ban porn? What's porn? Naked people? Sex acts? The definition is slippery slope to censorship.


Time to Party:

IPFS is a great thing. A normal website should be free to ban whoever they want. But Facebook is not normal because they got money and help from governments, etc. Google too. I imagine, Twitter too.

Platform For All Ideas?

The problem is that Facebook said people could do like anything. Well, maybe not anything. Well, I don't know really but it appeared as if anything would be allowed, originally, back in 2004.

Wait a Minute, Hold The Breaks

And then they started back tracking that.

Walking Backwards

They have been slowly walking all of that backwards in the 2010's, these past ten years, slowly, each year, more and more, they continue to say yeah, haha, yeah, you can do anything except this and except that and don't write this and don't say that and don't show this thing or that thing because it is hate speech or violent or it might inspire some crazy people to kill other people retrospectively or please take down this video because of copyright and never mind Fair Use, Safe Harbor, other laws, etc.

Tech Cartel Normality?

What I'm trying to say is that the tech cartel ghetto networks are pretty evil and yet pretty normal in some ways.

Virtual Town Square

The Internet is a virtual town square that is very public.

Battle Ground

Wait, no, the Internet is more like a battle ground in the sense that we can fight each other, virtually speaking as opposed to physically. So, in other words, it is like spiritual warfare as opposed to with sticks, stones, flesh and blood. In other words, the Internet can be more than just a town square.

Free Market Internet?

Like, technically speaking, anything can happen on the Internet, good and bad.

Children in War?

So, what I mean is that you may not want children on the Internet any more than you may want your children fight in a war with 300, that movie.

David & Goliath

Like, real war is dangerous. Like, also, in the real world, some people even traffick (kidnap) children. They sell kids. People rape and murder kids all around the world.

The Internet is Dangerous

And you may see porn on the Internet. You may see crimes. You may see blood. You may see things you don't like online and offline. Keeping the Internet safe would be the same as keeping the whole world safe. In order to keep the world safe and secured, a one world government would have to enslave all of humanity and control everything. Well, that is what globalists are doing. It is the opposite of the free market system.

Roles of Parents

Ultimately, it should be the responsibility of the parents to keep their children as safe as possible.

Mommy Government

I don't want government to be my mommy lol. So, parents should find ways to regulate what their kids might do online. Like, where they might go on the world wide web.


But at the same time, parents should help their children grow up and not just shelter them forever.


If Twitter started as a website that originally said no porn, then that might be one thing. But they seem to have some hypocrisy as they have been allowing porn while banning Alex Jones, etc, at the same time.

Twitter is gonna ban porn?

They actually plan to ban porn now hahaha? They should have made that decision before they even became a website many years ago.

Free Market Choices

Of course, within the realm of free markets, a company should have the freedom to make these kinds of decisions. That is fine.

Free Markets vs Crony Capitalism

But Twitter might not be a company. It might be an agent of governments, etc. Therefore, that is not free markets. And that goes over the heads of many people. See, many people think Facebook, etc, are only companies. But they are not.
