NOW Kamala Harris is not able to be a POTUS, because she is Not a Natural Born Citizen, by Law!


Sometimes, I would rather not be right, but seldom does the DNC step in and prove my point so stunningly! Two days ago, I posted the following:

So If you just remember that they lie chronically (the lie is their preferred tool for everything), and blame others for all problems they have caused; remember this, and you will be able to strip away their misdirections. They also tell you what their bills will not do, just look at their bill name. The "Affordable Care" act is neither affordable nor does it help improve quality of care; so in the name, they (by lying chronically) tell you exactly what their bill will NOT actually Do! They have no concept they are so transparent, they just think they are being very clever....

So now Kamala Harris was selected from a field of at least four hopefuls. Of those hopefuls, only one is NOT a natural born citizen; so they HAD to select her, over the others. They can Not help themselves, as I wrote above!

When she was born, BOTH her parents were foreign Nationals. One was a citizen of Jamaica and the other was from India. She was what is now called an 'Anchor Baby'; and a 'Citizen' through a misinterpretation of "Natural Born Citizen' term! She is even less likely to pass the 'stink test' on Citizenship that Obama was! At least he had one actual Citizen for a Parent...she does NOT. But she was born on US soil, and not in Kenya; so she has that going for her at least!

Image from Article:

Article on Birth Certificate facts:

We need to look at what the Founding Fathers intended when they Wrote our founding Documents! They base them on 'Law of Nations', so THAT is where we need to look for the definition of 'Natural Born Citizen'.

"The first and governing maxim in the interpretation of a statute is to discover the meaning of those who made it." --James Wilson, Of the Study of Law in the United States, 1790

What is the source of the term, "natural born citizen"? It is defined in the internationally published reference book, "Law of Nations", penned by Emmerich de Vattel in 1758. The definition states:

"The natives, or natural-born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens." - Law of Nations

This is the one and only definition of the term, understood in international and US law, that existed when the Constitution was crafted. Its meaning has remained consistent for centuries as recognized by US law.

So where does that leave us? We have an Anchor Baby second in line from the liberal POTUS spot! With a Primary spot held by someone showing advanced problems with Alzheimer's disease. The third in line is showing signs of Alzheimer's disease too; is this really the best they have to offer?

Kamala Harris has threatened to 'come after' every one of the people who supported President Trump, if she is elected; so NOW it is a Capital Crime to have an opinion, and use Free Speech! She also promises to seize all our firearms! NOT register or regulate, but to plain and simple Take them from their Constitutionally Protected Owners! SHE DOES NOT RESPECT THE CONSTITUTION; because it is in the way of the Tyrannical power she wants to have. She believes that the Constitution is a substitute for toilet Paper, and has no dog in the hunt. Her goal, from her own mouth is the total Destruction of our Republic!

When we look at the Law of Nations we find THIS!

Law of Nations is the only reference book named in the Constitution itself, empowering the Federal Government to enforce its clauses:

To define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high Seas, and Offenses against the Law of Nations; - US Constitution, Article 1, Section 8

Kamala Harris was born October 20, 1964, in Oakland, California. Her mother was a Tamil Indian, her father a Jamaican. Both were immigrants who had not naturalized, thus were not citizens, when Kamala was born.

As the definition of "natural born citizen" states, the person must be born to parents who are citizens.

This fact alone is enough to conclude, without question, that Harris is not eligible to be President of the United States.

So we have a scrambled old man, a poisonous hateful woman, and an old witch who became rich in the house; as the very best the liberals can come up with...this is SAD! It is also dangerous, because it shows a propensity to Ignore the Rule of Law, as an "Inconvenience" to be removed!

WHY is this a problem? Loyalties are divided....

A person born an American, with a foreign parent, is born subject to the laws of another nation. Born in America to Mexican parents? The child is born under Mexican as well as American jurisdiction. The child is born with foreign allegiance. That can create legal and personal conflict in times of war.

The Framers understood that a person born in the USA to a British father would be a British subject, according to British law. If that person rose to the rank of Commander in Chief of the American military and went to war against England or its vassal states, that person would commit treason against his King. His motives may be conflicted and he would certainly be treated differently from regular prisoners of war if captured. He would be hanged for treason.

In the War of 1812, when America fought to finally throw off British common law claims over Americans, the US required all officers on US ships and 2/3 of the sailors to be natural born citizens of the USA. They could not have a foreign parent. Thus, they could engage in war without conflicting loyalties or threat of hanging for treason.

In peacetime, the President with foreign affinity may use his office to conduct affairs more favorably to his preferred foreign state instead of the USA. He may hold notions such as "Dreams from my Father", a love and loyalty to the Father's nation and ideology.

So we are asked to accept a foreign woman who hates this Republic and wants us destroyed; as a replacement for a dottering old man who can barely remember his own name, backed by an old evil woman who loves to steal and lie!

I am just surprised that this is not a plot from the Twilight Zone! Surely this is NOT the very best the liberals have to offer us? This looks more like an attempt to stop damaging investigations before prison results!

Here is another source:



What a web they weave.


Now we need to just wrap them up in it. and store them in a dark damp place!



upvoted and reposted...

wait till you find out that the sister of harris (maya) is on podesta pedogate emails... the plot thicken...

now on the subject, I found very interesting this historical perspective using the navy as an example... specially the definition you give of natural born... I am curious however (and it's not a form of support for another of those worthless scumbags of the cast system that PLA maybe forced to flash soon) I ask about the first americans... who among the signatories of the constitution and bill of rights was born of american parents :D ? that's what I don't get... however they all had betrayed england, rebelled against the king, left violently their serfdom and subjecthood to join liberated free from feodalism world...

so you get my point... personally I had understood it as born and raised in america... however it's clear that foreign adversaries (like india, since when a so called democracy can't be the enemy of another one, to want to export it's excess population and loot another one?) will be tempted to use anchor babies to attempt to sneak in... then pool ressources and black mail around their infiltrated and try to gain political control...

however those things (so called demoNRats), as long as they don't embrace the constitution and bill of rights rather than the United nations agendas (censorship, forced vaccinations, co2, disarmement among others like the one world gov) and oppose and fight to jail the clintons and others corrupts will remain to be seen by me as domestic enemies (or puppets of the cia to be used as fake opposition that gets always destroyed until they rejoin the UNION).


That definition comes from the Law of Nations originally.

Benjamin Franklin was called to England to answer to a commission convened by the King. He went in a loyal Subject of the KIng, and left a US Patriot. You can only kick a person so long, before they get Pissed off, a lesson no government seems to ever learn!

I saw the she is tied in be Email, that was going to be a separate post. Put too much in one post, people stop reading.

Foreign influence is not possible to avoid totally, BUT Selling that influence is treason! That is the treason that liberals exceed at, and is the most insidious. The RNC is Not much better, but is the only chance for our Republic that avoids blood.

Our Founding Fathers described Democracy as 'Mob Rule" and despised it. THAT is why they made this Nation a Republic! That is why the liberals HATE the Constitution!

