"Every War is a Rothschild War"... A History of the Zionist Takeover


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“If my sons did not want wars, there would be none” ~Gutle Schnaper Rothschild

For approximately 250 years, the multi-faceted Zionist Rothschild crime family, with its prototypical Luciferian, anti-Christian, anti-religion, globalist aspirations, has tirelessly worked to intertwine and morph itself into the already existing global financial power structure as well as take over the helms of the mass brainwashing apparatus that we now call the controlled western mainstream media.  

  If we aim to truly expose and eventually derail and defeat the satanic Illuminati agenda and the New World Order mechanism – or more accurately translated, New Secular (godless) Order which is a more precise translation of the Latin phrase, “Novus Ordo Seclorum” – which has been in making for centuries, then we must arm ourselves with the up-to-now hidden knowledge of not just the version of history that has been [and still is being] taught to students in our Western, mainstream, so-called educational systems, but instead turn to the alternative, hidden version of history which used to only be available and known in various so-called “elite”, occult, and esoteric circles throughout the world, especially in the Western so-called “civilization”. Yes, information was always power as it will forever be. At any rate, it is nearly impossible to delve into such matters without stumbling on the name Rothschild.   

 [I'm going to limit this to banking and finance to avoid confusion- I'll backtrack some in the next post and factor social and cultural strategies of the Rothschild Zionists... this 250 year old plan vastly transcends mere finance and banking- it's about societal control as well] 

 Although it is argued quite convincingly that this plan is actually better than 2500 years in the making, what I want to focus on as a starting point is the War of 1812 and beyond. First I want to make one point of clarification: we have established the Sabbatean roots and the unholy marriage between Jacob Frank, Adam Weishaupt and the Rothschilds- what we are witnessing some 250 years later is a Zionist Illuminati, a pyramidal hierarchy ruled by a Pindar, an office similar to that of a Pope. Currently that Pindar is thought to be Jacob Rothschild. Now to the War of 1812... 

 We typically view Alexander Hamilton as a patriot- one of the Founding Fathers. He was nothing of the sort, he was in face a Rothschild agent whose purpose was to implement a Rothschild owned and controlled central bank. The Framers of the Constitution were well aware of the effect that the bankers had on England and wished nothing more than to prevent that here. 

  "The Colonies would gladly have borne the little tax on tea and other matters, had it not been the poverty caused by the bad influence of the English bankers on the Parliament: which has caused in the Colonies hatred of England, and the Revolutionary War."  

 "No taxation without representation" was not coined to express displeasure with the Crown and  Parliament, but with the bankers who were answerable to no one.  

  The Founding Fathers of the United States, bearing all these facts in mind, and to protect themselves against the exploitation of the International Bankers, took good care to expressly declare, in the American Constitution, signed at Philadelphia in 1787, Article 1, Section 8, paragraph 5: 

 "Congress shall have the power to coin money and to regulate the value thereof."  

 Since that time the European bankers, writ: Rothschilds have been trying to seize control of the American economy... the end result even at this early stage has always been a New World Order controlled by the European central banks. Accompanied, of course, by a society founded on Sabbatean debauchery and the inversion of Christian principles... but that would take time. The history books tell us that the War of 1812 was an attempt by England to undo the American Revolution, this too is false. 

 Since the inception Hamilton advocated for a privately owned "National" Bank, one owned by the Rothschilds. The Currency Act of 1792 was another attempt to keep European central banks from gaining power... going so far as to outlaw paper currency making the issuance thereof punishable by death.

  But the bankers did not give up. Their agent, Alexander Hamilton, was named Secretary of Treasury in George Washington’s cabinet, and advocated the establishment of a federal bank to be owned by private interests, and the creation of debt-money with false arguments like: "A national debt, if it is not excessive, will be to us a national blessing... The wisdom of the Government will be shown in never trusting itself with the use of so seducing and dangerous an expedient as issuing its own money." Hamilton also made them believe that only the debt-money issued by private banks would be accepted in dealing abroad.  

 A national bank was implemented with a 20 year charter and in 1811 when the charter ran out, thanks to Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson it was not renewed. Nathan Rothschild, head of the Bank of England issued an ultimatum: 

  "Either the application for the renewal of the charter is granted, or the United States will find itself involved in a most disastrous war."   

 Jackson and the American patriots did not believe the power of the international moneylenders could extend so far. "You are a den of thieves-vipers," Jackson told them. "I intend to rout you out, and by the Eternal God, I will rout you out!" Nathan Rothschild issued orders: "Teach these impudent Americans a lesson. Bring them back to Colonial status."  

 At the same time England was embroiled in a war against Napoleon, a very costly war and they could ill afford a war on another front, yet at the behest of Nathan Rothschild they launched it anyway. The key- the one I spoke of in yesterday's post- is how much influence over British policy does the Rothschild family actually have? When England defeated Napoleon, through some financial chicanery, the Rothschilds practically controlled the English economy. Yet they had the power to push an already overstretched military into a war across 3000 miles of ocean in America. Exactly how much control over British public policy do the Rothschilds actually have? Parliament is merely theater, the Queen runs England... or do the Rothschilds? This is important to know... after the defeat of Napoleon when Nathan Rothschild held the British economy in his hand, what kind of deal did he make with the Crown? 

 Therefore the consuls plummeted in value which was when Nathan Mayer Rothschild discreetly instructed his workers to purchase all the consuls they could lay their hands on. 

 When news came through that the British had actually won the war, the consuls went up to a level even higher than before the war ended leaving Nathan Mayer Rothschild with a return of approximately 20 to 1 on his investment. 

 This gave the Rothschild family complete control of the British economy, now the financial centre of the world following Napolean’s [sic] defeat, and forced England to set up a new Bank of England, which Nathan Mayer Rothschild controlled.  

 Although the European bankers may have controlled the private banks in America they did not control the economy. Their next shot came when the South seceded from the North. The North was strapped for cash and Lincoln turned to the New York bankers who demanded 24-36 % interest... in other words usury. Lincoln naturally refused and at the behest of his friend Col. Dick Taylor decided upon the Constitutional alternative and issued "Greenbacks," legal tender Treasury notes. This caused a panic in the banking community, causing Lord Goshen, the spokesman for the banksters to write in the London Times: 

  "If this mischievous financial policy, which has its origin in North America, shall become indurated down to a fixture, then that Government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off debts and be without a debt. It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous without precedent in the history of the world. That Government must be destroyed, or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe."   

 If it caught on around the world it would have destroyed the European central banks and along with it the Zionist Illuminati's dream of global domination. Lincoln had to be gotten out of the way to pave the way for the next phase of the plan. Between the assassination of Lincoln by John Wilkes Booth, thought to be a Rothschild agent by many, and the implementation of the Federal Reserve nearly 50 years later, the only serious challenge to the banksters came from Williams Jennings Bryan... who, had his presidential bid been successful, would have at least postponed the bankster's takeover. 

 "We say in our platform that we believe that the right to coin and issue money is a function of Government. We believe it. Those who are opposed to it tell us that the issue of paper money is a function of the bank, and that the Government ought to get out of the banking business. I tell them that the issue of money is a function of Government, and that the banks ought to get out of the Government business... When we have restored the money of the Constitution, all other necessary reforms will be possible, but until this is done, there is no other reform that can be accomplished."  

 Almost everyone who pays attention to such things knows the story of Jekyll Island... how cloaked in secrecy the banking cabal led by Sen. Nelson Aldrich that included some of the biggest names in banking (all Rothschild agents) including Paul Warburg, Jacob Schiff and others. The plan... to get the Federal Reserve legislation passed. The bill was originally called the Aldrich Act, but the Senate, knowing that Aldrich was in the pocket of the banksters, overwhelmingly voted it down. It was renamed the Federal Reserve Act and presented for vote during Christmas break when most of Congress was at home and it passed. It took 125 years, but the Rothschilds were finally in control of the US economy. President Woodrow Wilson was blackmailed into signing it into law: 

  On March 4, Woodrow Wilson is elected the 28th President of the United States. Shortly after he is inaugurated, he is visited in the White House by Ashkenazi Jew, Samuel Untermyer, of law firm, Guggenheim, Untermyer, and Marshall, who tries to blackmail him for the sum of $40,000 in relation to an affair Wilson had whilst he was a professor at Princeton University, with a fellow professor’s wife. 

 President Wilson does not have the money, so Untermyer volunteers to pay the $40,000 out of his own pocket to the woman Wilson had had the affair with, on the condition that Wilson promise to appoint to the first vacancy on the United States Supreme Court a nominee to be recommended to President Wilson by Untermyer. Wilson agrees to this.  

 In reaction to the Federal Reserve Act, Congressman Charles Lindbergh wrote: 

  “The Act establishes the most gigantic trust on earth. When the President signs this Bill, the invisible government of the monetary power will be legalized…….The greatest crime of the ages is perpetrated by this banking and currency bill.” 

 It is important to note that the Federal Reserve is a private company, it is neither Federal nor does it have any Reserve. It is conservatively estimated that profits exceed $150 billion per year and the Federal Reserve has never once in its history published accounts.  

 Wilson, a gutless dilatante more concerned with his image than the protection of the country he swore to serve, rued the day he allowed himself to be pressured into signing the bill: 

An unhappy man indeed! Once this bill was passed the Ashkenazi bankster cabal was in control of the economy... so much so that Lord Rothschild guaranteed the involvement of the US in WWI in exchange for Palestine as a "homeland" for the Khazarian Jews- a non-semitic euro-ethnic group. The "contract" came in the form of the Balfour Declaration, a letter addressed to Lord (Lionel) Rothschild himself. 


Dear Lord Rothschild,
I have much pleasure in conveying to you, on behalf of His Majesty’s Government, the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations which has been submitted to, and approved by, the Cabinet. His Majesty’s Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country. I should be grateful if you would bring this declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist Federation. Yours sincerely, Arthur James Balfour

 The Sabbatean/Frankist cabal was almost in control of the entire world's economy. One large part that was missing was Russia, so at the behest of the Rothschilds the Russian Royal Family of Tsar Nicholas II were slaughtered as revenge for Tsar Alexander II coming to the aid of the Union during the War of Northern Aggression:

  The Rothschilds order the execution by the Bolsheviks they control, of Tsar Nicholas II and his entire family in Russia, even though the Tsar had already abdicated on March 2. This is both to get control of the country and an act of revenge for Tsar Alexander I blocking their world government plan in 1815 at the Congress Of Vienna, and Tsar Alexander II siding with President Abraham Lincoln in 1864. 

 It is extremely important for them to slaughter the entire family including women and children in order to make good on the promise to do so made by Nathan Mayer Rothschild in 1815. It is designed to show the world what happens if you ever attempt to cross the Rothschilds.  

 Here is a peek at the current cabal: 

  Global Teutonic Zionists – Working towards that New World Order:

1) Lord Jacob de Rothschild.

2) His spooky son, Nathaniel.

3) Baron John de Rothschild, who recently said they are working towards global governance.

4) Sir Evelyn de Rothschild. His wife Lynn Forrester is a big mover and shaker in the Democratic party.

5) David Rockefeller, Sephardic Crypto-Teutonic, who’s son Nick told film director Aaron Russo about 9/11 in advance. Now deceased. 

 6) Nathan Warburg. His family was not only instrumental in creating the Federal Reserve, etc. they were also behind the rise of Adolf Hitler.

7) Henry Kissinger, Globalist genocidal schemer.

8) George Soros, another Teutonic schemer and NGO manipulator. 

 9) Paul Volcker, Crypto-Jew big-time Globalist and economic adviser to Obama.

 10) Larry Summers, Crypto-Teutonic economic advisor to Obama.

11) Lloyd Blankfein, CEO to the rapidly growing Goldman Sachs banking behemoth. 

 12) Ben Shalom Bernanke, current Teutonic master of the Federal Reserve (a private entity, neither “Federal” nor a “Reserve”). What's the common denominator here? 

 With the exception of Rockefeller, they're All Ashkenazi Jews. It's well documented that the Rothschild bankers funded both sides od WWII as well. Prescott Bush, through his Union Bank funneled money to the Nazis, as did Henry Ford and others. What's more interesting is what happened after the war as far as Palestine is concerned. 

  On July 22 the future Prime Minister of Israel, Ashkenazi Jew, David Ben-Gurion, orders another future Prime Minister of Israel, Ashkenazi Jew, Menachem Begin, to carry out a terrorist attack on the King David Hotel in Palestine, to try and drive out the British. As a result of this 91 people were killed, most of them civilians: 28 British, 41 Arabs, 17 Jews, and 5 others. Around 45 people are injured.  

  Menachem Begin went on to proudly proclaimed himself as, “the father of modern terrorism.” Just to put the gravity of the attack on the King David Hotel into perspective, it was at the time the biggest death toll as a result of single terrorist action ever and was only surpassed over forty years later by the Bombing of Pan Am flight 103 over Lockerbie.  

 In the Spring of this year, the Rothschilds bribe President Harry S. Truman (33rd President of the United States 1945 – 1953) to recognise Israel (Rothschild owned Zionist not Jewish territory) as a sovereign state with $2,000,000 which they give to him on his campaign train. 

 They then declare Israel to be a sovereign Jewish state in Palestine and within half an hour President Truman declared the United States to be the first foreign nation to recognise it.  

 Israel went from being a British protectorate to being a piece of Rothschild real estate. 

 I think we've fairly well established the Rothschild/Ashkenazi financial dominance and it's power over nations using their central banks... the two newest coming on the heels of WWII- The IMF and World Bank established as part of the Bretton Woods Accords in 1944. Next we'll focus on the attack on American Judeo-Christian values and American society- the attempt to transform a Christian nation into a debauched Sabbatean hellhole devoid of morals, using the mass media, Hollywood, think tanks and NGO's. 

 This video may be useful in understanding how war only benefits the banksters. 


Thank you for the article. I am one who is interested in history. And I got the knowledge from the story you wrote It is very useful for me.

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I saw that before... isn't that crazy! Also FB started the very day that LifeLog (started by DARPA) went offline!
