Amazon is Being Nationalized: Socialism x1000



Holy shit you guys!

Last night my shift was the busiest I've seen since Christmas peak season 2018. Correct, you heard that right, last night was bonker balls bananas at Amazon sort center SMF5 in Vacaville. Worse than the last 16 months of shifts.

Not only were we short-staffed, but we also had a volume of 71k packages. The day before that (Friday) we had 65k packages. To give you a frame of reference 50k packages for one shift is a lot and on a sub-par shift would take the max amount of time (5 hours / 10k per hour). Our entire warehouse was only rated to sort 100k packages a DAY before we added the auto-sorter (now 500k).

The process assistant in zone 2 informed me that we had a rollover of 5k packages from the day before. I'VE NEVER SEEN THAT HAPPEN. Operations freaks out if we don't get every single package out on the same day. We often make jokes during Christmas time that "little Timmy needs his present".


AMAZON IS GETTING MORE BUSINESS RIGHT NOW THAN WINTER PEAK, THE ABSOLUTELY BUSIEST TIME OF THE YEAR (Nov/Dec/Christmas). They are making out like absolute bandits during this crisis. It's absolutely fucking insane. Small businesses are being destroyed in a controlled demolition.

I'm being called a hero. I'm being called a first-responder. The mayor of my city wants to personally thank us publically when this is all over. WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!??!!11111

I work, I get paycheck, end of story.

I am not under threat.
I am not afraid the the fucking flu.
I probably already had COVID-19 mid Feb.
I want an antibody test.
I am not taking a vaccine for the sniffles.
Talk to me after you create something I'm actually afraid of, you bio-terrorist pansies.


Read this if you need a refresher on my Amazon SMF5 experience.



Behold! A picture from inside the belly of the beast!
They've stopped using the temperature gun and set up super creepy infrared cameras.
Isn't that swell?

I tried to pass through with sunglasses on and I was instructed to remove them. Why the fuck do you need my sunglasses off to read the temperature of my forehead you creepy assholes? I'm sure it does mess with it a bit, but it just makes me feel like this is a precursor to facial recognition and maybe even iris scanners one day. I am not amused.

On a side note...

I got permission to take this picture because pictures inside the facility are technically not allowed. I even had an awesome lie lined up. I was going to say my roommates were worried that Amazon wasn't taking COVID security seriously so I wanted a picture of the setup to put their minds at ease.

It was a good lie; I was proud of myself. I'm normally not a good liar (I don't try very hard). I get the feeling good lies will be necessary going forward. Unfortunately (fortunately) I was instantly given permission to take the picture so five words into the scripted lie I realized I was already being ignored and just stopped talking, lol. Operations guys are too busy and stressed out for any extra work.


If I was ever going to invest in stocks again, one would certainly be Amazon. I still think they are secretly working on a crypto project, and it's very obvious that not even a full economic lockdown can slow them down. Quite the contrary, they are more profitable than ever. Moreso than they have ever been.

During this lockdown, citizens are being trained to use Amazon who normally wouldn't. This kind of training will not go away once the lockdown ends. Amazon is going to straight up double their volume over this "crisis".

Make no mistake, as a left-wing radical I support socialism/communism and think it could work just fine. The problem with any of these systems is that you have to put someone in charge, and that's when it all goes to shit. That's why we love crypto; to build systems that govern themselves with code.

Amazon being chosen to be the Mega-Corp of American logistics and all other competing businesses put out to pasture would be just fine if they could hire everyone who needed a job and pay them $40 an hour. It simply won't happen due to the rampant greed of the elite. Too bad, so sad.

The establishment is telling us what's happening, we just have to read between the lines.

  • Companies like Amazon are allowed to thrive.
  • Energy companies are being propped up.
  • Small businesses are fucked.
  • The housing market is under threat.

Act accordingly.


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Question from the Bible, Is your religion the true Church?

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"Small businesses are being destroyed in a controlled demolition." :-(


I fully agree with the sentiment of this post and the points made in it. I hate the likes of Amazon. I've only once bought a book from Amazon, which I had to do because it wasn't available anywhere else. Centralized megacorporations crushing small businesses and local value chains everywhere. They're not paying a lot in the way of taxes, which is why governments squeeze them out of whom they can: you, me and local businesses.

The only force in the world that can put an end to that shit without any violence is crypto. Put protocols in charge instead of humans. I've long held that this is the way forward. There are folks here on Hive who are opposed to any and all large scale systems. Organization on a large scale is absolutely necessary, including things like law enforcement and national defense. But the best way to govern communities made up of millions of people is not centralized pyramid-like power structures.


I have gotten a number of good condition books from


Amazonium stock will do gangbusters, right up to the point it doesn't.

In a generation people will be talking about, "What happened to Amazonium?" "Where did they go wrong? " "What are the tell-tale signs we should have seen coming?"

The thing is that all that is needed is an item search engine.
An place to find what you want to buy.
And it is one of the easiest search algos to write with one key twist.

So, Amazonium is dead, long live Amazonium


Sold my liquid Hive at .39 after you did also thinking there would be a pull back but now looking at the price im like Homer Simpson Doooh!!!

At least my upvote is worth .025 instead of .012 now.


Yeah my upvote is worth over $1 now it's insane.
I want my Orca status back.
Sellers beware!


I don’t understand that. It says my upvote was worth .026 I just gave you a full upvote on this comment and it gave .012


Maybe it’s looking at two different price feeds? The slider bar shows me as 49¢ for a 100% upvote, but after I gave one it showed up as 38¢ just seconds later.


I always wondered why it was off. I have also came across times when I upvote a certain person on the slider it would say .007 and at the same time someone else post it would say .012


There is a poor tax at work.
If your vote doesn't reach 20 steem in value it gets reduced on a sliding scale by up to half.
All hail, hf21!


This is correct.
Ya'll don't remember Convergent linear rewards?

It's a tactic to encourage upvoting "quality content" instead of comments and such... Or, in another man's opinion, it's used to fuck over the little guy.

It also helps "centralize stake so abuse is easier to downvote".


convergent linear rewards HF21
see below.


Amazon, Wal-Mart, and Costco are cleaning up.

Small business along with most other retailers are being obliterated.

Of course, Amazon seeks to be an end-to-end automated company. They get props for their hiring, that is only until they figure out how to automate out the jobs.

This is only accelerating the retail apocalypse along with many others.

Posted Using LeoFinance


I write an offshore fishing blog and have been an Amazon affiliate for a few years now. Typical traffic is anywhere from 165 - 300 + visits per day.

I'm used to seeing 2 or 3 days of sales, then a string of days without. Lately, it's flip flopped. It's a day without between a string of days with sales.

It shows an uptick in use of home delivery for sure. Of course, this is the time when fishing heats up. On the other hand, only 50% of sales are related to angling. My feeling is that cryptocurrency will run along the same vein. 👍👍

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    Delegate to the @informationwar! project and get rewarded



Until Amazon grows and delivers food, I remain paranoid incipient famine looms.

I incessantly cite the Holodomor as our near future.

Hopefully, Amazon starts selling cockroach milk biscotti, and you can pilfer from the line.


"Make no mistake, as a left-wing radical I support socialism/communism and think it could work just fine. The problem with any of these systems is that you have to put someone in charge, and that's when it all goes to shit."

I noticed that you support communism/socialism, but you also realize that when you put someone in charge, that's when it all goes to shit. It isn't just by accident that this happens. I think if you took the time to comprehend the knowledge problem, that you'd want to find a way to fix that first before advocating socialism or communism on a national scale.

I'll give you one clue, humankind can only get close to tackling it with AI, but even AI is programmed and won't necessarily have the best interest of humanity at heart, because it has no heart. You might be getting your wish fulfilled as we speak, it seems the whole world is going to be forced into some kind of communism/socialism.

Because of this, hundreds of millions more people in the 3rd world are already starving to death because we did some heinous top-down tinkering into a complex and evolved market system.

The meat shortages are coming to a country near you, and it won't be just meat, it will be food in general. This is why I balk at the idea of central planners throwing their monkey wrenches into complex systems that evolved from billions of independent decisions that people have willfully made in pursuit of their various company's best interest.

America has had the privilege of a freer market system for some time now, but there are lots of flaws. A fiat currency, and out of control taxation on the labor of the people, which not only empowers the state to do very terrible things but also empowers tonnes of wasteful corporate welfare towards destructive institutions and systems.

It's not perfect at all, but if you add the knowledge problem to America's already existing problems, well, you'll see. It may already be a foregone conclusion that we're going to be starring down decades of extraordinarily awful government because of this worldwide shutdown. Here are a few videos, if you're interested. I'd watch 'em in order and perhaps they'll change your mind. The first is the most important and illuminating.

I took the freer market and prices for granted, until I learned about the knowledge problem which allowed me to gain some appreciation for something I didn't know was already getting solved by the existing system. Communism and socialism might be nice in theory, but it usually never works out in the Utopian way that it's imagined. Very often the utopia is a dystopia. America isn't perfect and it isn't entirely capitalist, there are some very socialistic elements in it already, but when we start getting into the realm of central economic planning, ohh the things are going to break really fast.


Communism and Socialism are just trigger words.
We've been programmed to be triggered by them.
All governments are very similar.
All governments put someone in charge and they go to shit.
America already has tons of socialist policies.
In fact one might argue that all policies are inherently socialist and go against free market.


I agree, mostly, and in the communist/socialist countries, they're doing some form of state-capitalism, and in the "capitalist" countries they're doing lots of socialism and have even managed to conflate property with landlordism (where the state owns the land and collects the rents), but there are still greater and lesser degrees of liberty vs. tyranny to get concerned over.

When they ignore the knowledge problem and engage in even more economic planning, things break a lot faster, and it's because we've taken for granted the crowd wisdom provided by markets and prices. If you ever get a chance, watch those four videos. When you see it, you'll be in awe of what the freer markets can do, and informed as to why central planning cannot pull it off.

For as long as the shutdown has already lasted, we're in for a world of hurt. They'll try and paper over it with paper money, perhaps even a universal basic, but it won't fix the devastation they caused. And what good will the money be when the shelves in the grocery stores are baron.

Do you think Amazon will be able to pick up all the slack and provide everything to everybody? It seems that's where they are trying to take things. A cashless currency, and no more box stores. Drone deliveries, tracking, and the monitoring of individuals worldwide.

People will become so dependent upon the free money, that they'll clamor to get the new vaccine every year, just so their free money doesn't get turned off. But by that time, they'll also be working full-time jobs because of the buying power of their free monthly stipend will have become almost laughable.


Yes, Amazon is practically turning into "The Company" from Aliens.
