


6am wakeup and I was ready for an outdoorsy day, bright eyed and bushy tailed. Another day spend moose hunting, I’ve just replaced a rifle with a camera.

I had everything packed and ready by 7.30 and we were already dropping the dog off to the woods before sunrise. The morning was actually pretty slow and tiredsome because none of the four dogs today couldn’t find any moose for hours. We had to go find the dog and take to several different spots before something started to happen.

I get bored of the weather is not beautiful and nothing is happening, I’m not made for just sitting and waiting, I want action.

As soon as the dog started barking to let us know he found moose, then the fun starts. Technology is pretty fun because I saw from the Ultracom app that our dog is barking, and then I called him to listen since we were too far away to actually hear him in the nature. We soon caugh up though and had a pretty alright hunting day. I like it that even though I’m not carrying a gun, I can take part and sometimes even be useful.

The team got only one moose calf today, but that’s alright. Tomorrow is another day. I’m already so beat and it’s only 8pm.


